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rip1980 t1_ja8k5gv wrote

You get party hats, I'll get the noise makers.


AdClemson OP t1_ja8k5xk wrote

Everest is also far from being the fastest-growing mountain on our planet. The closest contender for the top spot is perhaps Nanga Parbat, a neighbour to Everest located in the Pakistani Himalayan range, which is 8,126m (26,660ft) tall and growing at 7mm (0.27in) per year. In 241,000 years it could overtake Everest to be the tallest mountain on Earth, provided rates of erosion don't change.

from the article


Antiquemooses t1_ja8kxzs wrote

what happens when the methane burp triggers a megaquake and changes the magnetic poles?


andoesq t1_ja8muig wrote

I'm gonna go climb it now, beat the rush


[deleted] t1_ja8o86g wrote

It’s in 240,000 years. I’m a scientist. Can’t disprove


No-Owl9201 t1_ja8q60g wrote

'Nanga Parbat' means 'Naked Mountain' in the Urdu language


sleep-woof t1_ja8qzpc wrote

Maybe it will, maybe it won't


wwarnout t1_ja8rsnv wrote

The concept of "tallest mountain" is based on sea level - which itself is not consistent. Due to Earth's rotation, sea level is farther from the Earth's center at the equator than at the poles. As a result, there is a mountain in South America (Mount Chimborazo's) whose peak is farther from the Earth's center, but because it is near the equator, it is not as high above sea level as Everest.


DickieBubble t1_ja8s2e2 wrote

I'm going to leave my wallet up there now, so that future climbers will think I climbed the world's tallest mountain.


zuzg t1_ja8t7t8 wrote

The climax of this Battle of Giants is at least faster then the average DragonBall Fight.


jelang19 t1_ja8tgks wrote

In the far future, everything is lost. Humans still survive, but have been driven back to the dark ages. All technology has been lost for centuries. Suddenly, a computer whirrs to life with a message....

Mt Everest is no longer the tallest mountain

...what could this mean?


herbw t1_ja8ufpx wrote

The key is saying something which cannot be possibly tested, geologically.

Also, plate tectonics is complex systems of all those plates interacting . That's not possible to understand very well.

So writin such is like sayin today an asteroid in 25K yrs. will crash on the earth in a precise place and time of day. As Wittgenstein 100 years ago would say, "meaningless."


herbw t1_ja8uyil wrote

Brilliant!! There is no such thing as absolute sea level. The sea levels in ports in Europe cannot be mostly all brought by 50% within 50 cm. to each other. And the Andes Mts. are still abuilding, too.


Nairbfs79 t1_ja92o3q wrote

It won't matter because we will probably have cracked the Earth in half well before then.


SupaFlyslammajammazz t1_ja98erw wrote

Considering we are in the mists of a periodic Ice Age and that only 10% of humanity survived, the global message that those astrial monuments that remained a mystery are warnings that that catastrophe can happen again.


Berlinexit t1_ja98riz wrote

will it be higher than Everest is now ?


SetiSteve t1_ja9dhyn wrote

There is a difference between tallest and highest;)


alexjaness t1_ja9eqvb wrote

I don't think this is going to happen. At some point, the bodies of all the people who die trying to climb Everest will start stacking up higher and higher. Eventually the summit will be a flag planted into some dipshit named Craig's skull.


ora00001 t1_ja9iaob wrote

Everest isn't the tallest mountain though right? It's the highest... But not the tallest?


DowntownScore2773 t1_ja9k9q9 wrote

There’s a big difference between tallest and highest mountain. Mount Everest is the highest mountain but not the tallest mountain in the world. Tallest measures from the base of the mountain to the peak. Highest measures the height of the peak. The tallest mountain in the world is Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Additionally, Ecuador’s Mount Chimborazo is the mountain peak farthest from the earth’s core and closest to the sun due to the earth’s centrifugal bulge.


DowntownScore2773 t1_ja9m8xh wrote

This isn’t an entirely accurate statement. Chimborazo is the mountain that is farthest from the earth’s core and closest to the sun due the earth’s centrifugal bulge. Tallest is a measurement from base to peak and not sea level to peak. The tallest mountain in the world is Mauna Kea in Hawaii whose base starts below sea level. Everest is the highest mountain peak in the world. Here is a NOAA site that explains the difference.


hoffmanmclaunsky t1_ja9odz2 wrote

driving up Haleakala is kind of a surreal experience. It just keeps going up. You start at warm balmy tropical beaches, two hours and 10,000 feet later you get out in a cold, desolate desert. And you can still see those warm balmy beaches in the distance. It's wild.


kid_sleepy t1_ja9ok6o wrote

I been telling everyone this for years every chance I could get and no-one would beleive me… haha, see who’s laughing now!


caalger t1_ja9orzc wrote

Totally planning a "Punked Everest" party!


COMiles t1_ja9pikk wrote

Chimborazo is over 2000 meters higher


gchaudh2 t1_ja9qe8z wrote

It is located Pakistan Occupied/Administered Kashmir (PoK) or colloquially known as Azad Kashmir.


turbanned_athiest t1_ja9qmr7 wrote

Did that on Mauna Kea, was amazing. Got an amateur astronomy guided tour of the sky on the way down. Fun fact: scuba diving and then driving up the mountain could give you decompression sickness, we must have been warned at least 5 times.


UnfinishedProjects t1_ja9qxbr wrote

Considering that one of the proposed methods of keeping people away from toxic landfill sites in the distant future is to setup a cult that keeps people away from "the sacred sites", actually I don't remember where I was going with that, but it reminded me of it.


Hibihibii t1_ja9rdh8 wrote

Wait, now I'm wondering, what was the tallest mountain before Everest (and not in the riddle way).


smeppel t1_ja9vng9 wrote

PAKISTAN #1 !!! 💪🏽💪🏽😎🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰


vonvoltage t1_ja9xlfo wrote

Nanga Parbat is one of the mountains you should absolutely only attempt if you're a serious mountain climber. It's so much more difficult than everest.

People often say Everest is for the tourists, K2 is for the climbers, but that could also be applied to Nanga Parbat and some of the other 8 thousanders.


yok347 t1_jaa20qb wrote

I’m eagerly awaiting the day. I’d expect every 24 hour news channel to have a running clock in the corner reminding us until so.


relefos t1_jaa2ikt wrote

Interestingly, if you take this method and require the base’s elevation to be somewhere at or above sea level, you get the height of the mountain as it would appear to a human viewer

I say interesting bc when we use this methodology, Denali in Alaska actually appears to be the largest. While its peak is only ~20k feet above seal level, its lowest base is 3k above sea level. Making it appear to be 17k feet tall. Meanwhile Everest is something like 29k and 14k, making it appear to be 15k feet tall, or about 2k feet shorter than Denali

This is sometimes mistaken for a mountain’s “prominence”, but that’s actually a different measurement


FearkTM t1_jaa3v66 wrote

Hope they make a movie of this.


manysounds t1_jaa7khf wrote

Barring anything unexpected… which is par for the course also.


Phalanx808 t1_jaa9ssc wrote

In a similar time frame there will be a new Hawaiian island. Currently it's erupting under the sea and is called Lo'ihi


eco-evo t1_jaadrtm wrote

But with all the erosion happening due to human activity atop Everest, I’m going to put it at 231,000 years. I’ll wager a hearty handshake on it.


verusisrael t1_jaae091 wrote

we need to plant shit there now at the top that will confound and confuse the people a quarter million years from now


Celestiicaa t1_jaae5j4 wrote

You think the earth is going to last that long?


docbauies t1_jaafbkg wrote

This is the final straw. i'm not climbing Everest now because it's not going to be tallest in 241,000 years


Nydelok t1_jaafnu2 wrote

!RemindMe 87,965,000 days


ninjas_in_my_pants t1_jaafvwb wrote

And they laughed when I built my secret mountain lair there. Well who will be laughing in 241,000 years? HUH?


[deleted] t1_jaahozx wrote

So what you're saying is that Hermann Buhl was even further ahead of his time than anyone ever guessed?


USS_Hornet t1_jaaj7gv wrote

The Hawaiian islands just keep moving off to the northeast as another island forms to the southwest due to plate movement.

You can trace the Yellowstone super-volcano's travels across Idaho and Wyoming in the same way.


iRecond0 t1_jaalcxd wrote

And I’m about 10 years after that Half Life 3 will release.


[deleted] t1_jaamw5r wrote

Camp reservations are already booked up 😔


HHS2019 t1_jaap4yu wrote

Note to self: Climb this year so progeny have bragging rights.


ChickenMom90 t1_jaaxkfp wrote

Don't forget to invite me to the party when it happens. Love to celebrate this.


Re-AnImAt0r t1_jaayewq wrote

that's why I don't bother climbing Everest....


Harbenger t1_jaazxrn wrote

Well that's just around the corner folks!


blakNbold t1_jab1ynt wrote

Talk about patiently awaiting your turn.


gandalf_bread t1_jabdxr2 wrote

That's was of a recent Netflix documentary. Its thought that there used to be an advanced civilization during the ice age that suffered a catastrophic collapse, probably due to a meteorite. The survivors created monuments/constructions stamping star alignments that could bring the same events.


SupaCrzySgt t1_jabfnj1 wrote

Unfortunately, no humans will be alive to see it


6Seasons-And-A-Movie t1_jabhbps wrote

We gotta get more bodies on top of everest. If elected my main focus of running the office will be to direct all bodies in the surrounding 100 miles radius be stacked stop everest to maintain our title. Thank you for your donations and support, let's keep everest great.

-some hair brained republican who's dottering on dementia


14X8000m t1_jabhpde wrote

The 2nd image of Everest is Makalu, the 5th highest mountain in the world.


LipTrev t1_jabiz76 wrote

See kids? With hard work and the right attitude you can become whatever you want!


LipTrev t1_jabj486 wrote

> Considering that one of the proposed methods of keeping people away from toxic landfill sites in the distant future is to setup a cult that keeps people away from "the sacred sites", actually I don't remember where I was going with that, but it reminded me of it.

You would love to listen to Joe Walsh interviews.


LipTrev t1_jabjmpe wrote

> This isn’t an entirely accurate statement. Chimborazo is the mountain that is farthest from the earth’s core and closest to the sun due the earth’s centrifugal bulge.

But centrifugal is a false force /s

Chimborazo is a perfect example that people who say centrifugal force is a false force really need to close mouth, sit down.


Stahl_Scharnhorst t1_jabn8k4 wrote

Above sea level. Possibly not taking into account farthest from the center of the Earth either. Lotta ways to measure these.


Wayne1946 t1_jabnwhu wrote

They grow up so quickly, don't they.


wotmate t1_jacj73m wrote

Not if the piles of frozen rubbish and dead bodies on Everest have anything to do with it


Wifdat t1_jaco1qw wrote

So should I go die near the top of it now to beat the rush?


SonicTemp1e t1_jadbl7s wrote

Climb it now for bragging rights later!


dplfk t1_jaf0ndv wrote

I must clarify that the term "Nanga Parbat" finds its roots in the Punjabi (ancient prakrit & Sansikrat) language. Additionally, it is important to note that Urdu is just Hindi which is heavily influenced by Persian, and thus has strong connections to both Hindi and Punjabi, which are both members of the Indo-European language family. These two languages share a rich history and a significant amount of common vocabulary