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SagaciousTien t1_ja5clhz wrote

Meth and amphetamines are legal and regulated. They're just controlled substances. You can possess either with a prescription. Desoxyn is the market name for Methamphetamine. It was originally prescribed for severe obesity cases before reaching the ADHD market.


myusernamehere1 t1_ja5kt1z wrote

Im talking about recreational use


SagaciousTien t1_ja5lywv wrote

Do enough drugs and you'll realize there's no difference.


myusernamehere1 t1_ja5mepk wrote

I dont see your point. Legality of recreational use has a lot to do with access to knowledge on harm reduction, presence of impurities or adulterants, and skews the statistics of users towards those who are already prone to addiction and/or struggling with mental health issues.