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ShortnPortly t1_j98rc54 wrote

Another useless fact I can use at parties that I am forced to be at. Thank you!


platinums99 t1_j98rlvt wrote

"Dumber than a sponge" now carries a lot more weight.


hikeonpast t1_j98sluo wrote

I read more than halfway through before I realized that this wasn’t about kitchen sponges.


My1stWifeWasTarded t1_j98u8e7 wrote

A few of you will be forced through a fine mesh screen for your planet. They'll be the luckiest of all.


TheonuclearPyrophyte t1_j98yex5 wrote

I was gonna say "poor sponges!" but I think plants might actually feel more pain than sponges lol


siwmae t1_j99705d wrote

What about sponges of the same species?


paigezero t1_j9a5qlb wrote

Had to google it to be sure but "conspecific" in this sentence means "of the same species"

"These consist of pushing into contact different species (xenograft) or conspecific individuals (allograft) with their outer pinacodermal layers intact."

So, same species is covered in this too.


inthrees t1_j9a5sst wrote

No, I bet it's being studied to make an organic terminator police force to keep us proles in line.


ZeldaBoy500 t1_j9a863m wrote

This also works with a scrub daddy and a scrub mommy


Notamansplainer t1_j9aop4c wrote

Now I'd love to know what they're doing in the lab that discovered this.


Vendetta2112 t1_j9az6vw wrote

I just tried this at home and my sponges are now a wreck! My wife is furious that I ruined all the sponges! This is crazy!


mrb783 t1_j9bbbrn wrote

Um...what did sponges do to you to deserve that, research person?


patfetes t1_j9c97ij wrote

Whhhhhoooooo lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Tex-Rob t1_j9druvi wrote

Makes me think of the Thymus. Perhaps they feature that encoding built in, hence this becomes to them, a simple feat.


ToKeepAndToHoldForev t1_j9hs0ly wrote

I whole ass thought this was about kitchen sponges until the species line. I was like what the fuck are they doing to sponges??

Edit: wait, what the fuck do you mean sponges can re aggregate. Why aren't they dead.