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Double_Distribution8 t1_j9x4u2m wrote

>many adult themes including the smoking of marijuana and a deep dive into the occult.

And also a gentleman violently scraping the skin off his own face while he gazes into the bathroom mirror.


Schellhammer t1_j9y0iwf wrote

But Marijuana=bad


HPmoni t1_ja90mx4 wrote

Marijuana is pretty bad.

But do drugs... Get hit by a truck. Makes sense.


GibsonMaestro t1_j9xh6ps wrote

How is this not the top comment?


Landlubber77 t1_j9y2f03 wrote

The majority of Redditors are Americans, where we're allowed to see extreme violence as long as there's not a stray female nipple or something. We'd be more likely to expect a more adult rating for this movie because of the scene where the wife gets dragged all over her ceiling and you see her panties, then when the older daughter runs out in the front yard and you see hers. The puritans can't help but lose their minds over that ^^^after ^^^pausing ^^^and ^^^masturbating ^^^to ^^^it.


vemenium t1_j9zdpfs wrote

Bare breasts in Airplane: PG. You’ve always been able to have some nudity without an R rating. Of the sex and nudity in Titanic, the sex steaming up the car is way more pushing the envelope than nudity not involved in sex.


res30stupid t1_j9zwj5x wrote

Funny little detail, but the lead actress in Final Destination 2 was completely fine with being in such a violent, fucked-up horror film because as a Mormon, she was only upset if they were to ask her to swear.


heylookatme t1_j9ymbnr wrote

I'm descended from Puritans on both sides of my family tree. Can confirm that I masturbate to everything.


BlackWidow1414 t1_j9y7jcy wrote

Yeah, that was the scene that messed me up as a kid watching this movie.

That and Robbie's clown doll.


Darth_Corleone t1_ja0n55v wrote

The steak moving across the counter and ol boy peeling his face off stuck with me for a long time. I forgot about it until I got to college and took LSD. Then... I remembered.


thisusedyet t1_j9xscq8 wrote

Yeah, the face peeling scene is the one that got me