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Various_Succotash_79 t1_j9wwx15 wrote

They didn't have PG-13 yet. That didn't start until 1984, largely thought to be inspired by Gremlins and Temple of Doom.

And at least one person probably had Poltergeist in mind too, lol.


flippythemaster t1_j9wxtwq wrote

Backlash to Poltergeist is one of the events that led to the establishment of the PG-13 rating, along with similar reactions to Gremlins and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Before the establishment of PG-13, it was G for general audiences (that is, parents wouldn’t need to be involved at all) PG for parental guidance (that is, there are scenes and content a parent might have to discuss with their kids afterwards), R for restricted (that is, this has scenes that are not appropriate for kids regardless of parental intervention) and X (typically considered “extreme content”*). With the dawn of the 80’s it became clear that film productions were pushing at the edges of these categories and, while certainly PG’s name would imply that a parent should be aware of potentially objectionable content, there were pearls to be clutched and most parents didn’t want to go through the effort of screening the films their kids watched—which were typically substitutes for babysitters—anyways. Remember that this is the same era that brought us the great Satanic Panic over D&D!

So a stopgap was established and PG films pretty much became exclusively the stuff of kids fare, with PG-13 becoming the go-to rating for content of the kind you’d see in those wonderful Spielberg films of the 80’s

*not to be confused with XXX, which was adopted by porn distributors who figured that if ONE X was saucy, imagine how good THREE would be!


Catbird_jenkins t1_j9wxu4u wrote

The Blue Lagoon was PG also and could never be shown in its original form today.

Poltergeist scared the everlasting shit out of me and my siblings


MickJof t1_j9x0ryv wrote

The skeletons in the pool were real human skeletons.


[deleted] t1_j9x1lh1 wrote

Also, Ghostbusters. There was a ghost blowjob


Ras1372 t1_j9x3kug wrote

Just watched the clown scene and practically shit my pants.


Vince_Clortho042 t1_j9x405s wrote

Poltergeist was actually very nearly given an R rating but Spielberg was able to argue it down by pointing out that despite the intensity of the scares (and some of the gore like the face ripping), nobody is killed in the movie.


McMacHack t1_j9x43wa wrote

We didn't raise pussies in the 80's now go get me another PBR while I light this cigarette with my last cigarette. Now go play with your Robocop toys in your pajamas that will melt to your skin if there is a fire.


Double_Distribution8 t1_j9x4u2m wrote

>many adult themes including the smoking of marijuana and a deep dive into the occult.

And also a gentleman violently scraping the skin off his own face while he gazes into the bathroom mirror.


bucko_fazoo t1_j9x4v2z wrote

elliot called his brother "penis-breath" in ET


jaimonee t1_j9x62v9 wrote

But how can you light that cigarette without sending your 7 year old to pick up another pack of camel lights at the variety store and telling them they can spend the change on Spider-Man comics??


FormalWare t1_j9x6d3y wrote

Scared the crap out of me! I spent half the movie hiding behind the seat of the patron in front of me. (Was probably 13 or so. Went with a couple of friends.)


klsi832 t1_j9x71o3 wrote

Red Dawn

On August 10, 1984, the action thriller Red Dawn, starring Patrick Swayze, opens in theaters as the first movie to be released with a PG-13 rating. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), which oversees the movie rating system, had announced the new PG-13 category in July of that same year.


klsi832 t1_j9x7dmn wrote

Four cast members died during and soon after the filming of the series. The older sister was murdered by an ex in 1982. There's a poster in the boy's bedroom of a future Super Bowl for no reason, and that ended up being the date Heather O'Rourke died.


samuellbroncowitz t1_j9xc6ex wrote

I remember going to the local 7-11 with my neighbor to get smokes and beer for his mom with a note saying it was OK. The clerk would happily send us on our way with a pack of Camels and a six pack of bud, no questions asked.


Captain_Naps t1_j9xcj5a wrote

> whispering moral obfuscation into the ears of billions of mesmerized children.

If Disney hadn't taught me to be perfectly happy with the bare necessities, I'd be living an overindulgent and stress-filled life in these turbulent & inflationary times.


SharpieBass t1_j9xd3qa wrote

The dude ripping his own face off in the bathroom scared the shit out of me as a kid. Surprised was PG based on that scene alone!


janisemarie t1_j9xeatf wrote

Oh, honey. It was a different time. My neighbor's parents took us to see Animal House when I was like 12. Even though my parents had seen the movie, they let us go. Kids in the 80s were not at all protected from sex or horror. Look at Carrie! That movie wouldn't be made now.


shalafi71 t1_j9xhos0 wrote

> pajamas that will melt to your skin

You must have been there in the day. Hung my footies on the wall-unit bathroom heater after The Muppet Show. It was Sunday night, I had to shower!

Dripping plastic and black smoke.


shalafi71 t1_j9xiatr wrote

LOL, and we were prepared for horror by Rikki Tikki Tavi and the like. JFC, who thought having proto-Darth Vader, Orsen Wells, narrate would make it a kid's film?!

First day of fifth grade, next day. Didn't sleep, wouldn't eat, passed out in the 105° Oklahoma heat. Made it to the hallway! They scooped me up and took me to the front office, only place with air conditioning.


Life_Less_Ordinary t1_j9xjb1g wrote

The 80s were a different time. We used to ride around in the back of station wagons in a seat that faced towards the back of the car....not exactly safe by today's standards by a long shot.


Ehgadsman t1_j9xlaft wrote

I was 11 years old, it fucked me up!


AidenStoat t1_j9xnzg8 wrote

The alternative was R, there was nothing in between PG and R at the time


Alchemae t1_j9xoe7n wrote

Deep dive into the occult? I think not.


Derpy_County t1_j9xqbf5 wrote

Scariest thing about the marijuana scene is him trying to roll it directly on his bed covers, giving up because he can’t do it and then jumping about on the bed - weed everywhere!


Due_Platypus_3913 t1_j9xryxe wrote

This movie scared the shit out of people in the theater!I was in 7th grade,it was 100% of what I could stand.Many people fled the theater,some with bawling kids!


WCAttorney t1_j9xuomo wrote

There was a poltergeist sequel with an old man preacher ghost that gave me nightmares for weeks ~ does anyone else know the movie ?


Shas_Erra t1_j9xvjqo wrote

In the UK, the classification was:

U - Universal. Anyone can watch.

PG - Parental Guidance. Maybe some adult themes, situations or language.

15 & 18 - pretty self explanatory.

The 12 rating wasn’t introduced until 1989 and 12a (a bridge between PG and 12) in 2002.

In other words, growing up in the 80’s was wild. There’s a tonne of films I remember watching as a kid that I wouldn’t dream of showing to my daughter yet.


En-papX t1_j9xx8v2 wrote

Then Satan made them panic.


igby1 t1_j9xy33w wrote

I was 10 when my mom took my older sister and I to see Poltergeist. My mom was pretty strict about what we watched and I’m sure she saw the PG rating and thought it’d be alright. Yeah I told her I wanted to leave, probably after the clown.


xanthraxoid t1_j9xyaxu wrote

I thought it also included usage of the word "[[cunt]]", which is generally considered to be at or near the strongest end of the swearing spectrum, but after trying to verify that, I was probably thinking of The Exorcist!


GreenNMean t1_j9y14sk wrote

My father let me watch this when my mom was out for the day. I was five. For years I refused to have any dolls in my bedroom at night, and for my entire childhood I would always have to check under the bed at night for clowns.


Supersnazz t1_j9y2371 wrote

Also there's a scene where the workmen sexually harass the 16 year old daughter, and her mother literally laughs out loud about it.


Landlubber77 t1_j9y2f03 wrote

The majority of Redditors are Americans, where we're allowed to see extreme violence as long as there's not a stray female nipple or something. We'd be more likely to expect a more adult rating for this movie because of the scene where the wife gets dragged all over her ceiling and you see her panties, then when the older daughter runs out in the front yard and you see hers. The puritans can't help but lose their minds over that ^^^after ^^^pausing ^^^and ^^^masturbating ^^^to ^^^it.


leadingzer0 t1_j9y3crm wrote

In the 70s, our station wagon had two bench seats in the back that faced each other sideways. There were four of us back there when my mom got into a low speed crash. Our heads slammed sideways into each other and into the metal back of the forward facing middle bench seat.

Edit: I guess it was the ford country squire. Holy shit that brings me back.


dabudtenda t1_j9y8j15 wrote

Lol I'm a gamer that predates the esrb rating and I'm an ex movie buff I used to love movies. It was always fun to find something that didn't quite match the rating system. There was a jacket Chan movie operation condos 1 or 2 I think. Had a half naked woman having her tits painted in preparation for a human sacrifice. Oh no "brief nudity" in the description


areseven t1_j9yauya wrote

Yeah, this is exactly it. At that time, G was seen as just for kids, and R was seen as just for adults. So PG was the standard. I’m not sure why the author of the article is so confused about how it got a PG rating. I guess you had to be there to understand!

Also worth mentioning that it’s funny now to think that The Sound Of Music was rated G in spite of largely being about the rise of Nazis. It just simply meant “this film is fine for everyone”. But they were still trusting that people would actually know what kind of movie it was and what it was about. Clearly a mistake!


jolinar30659 t1_j9ygqtb wrote

1982 is a much different world with ratings. PG really meant “maybe you shouldn’t let your kids watch this”


french-caramele t1_j9ylccm wrote

Sex and drugs were much more taboo than violence. Things that lead to free thinking and happiness are extreme threats to oligarchy and crony capitalism. Violence just creates more anger and makes it easy for bad actors to sow division among society (aka the poors).


deliciousbeetvodka t1_j9yosg4 wrote

This movie still holds up. I watched it many times from a kids point of view. I enjoyed watching it now from an adult and parent's point of view.


Nivekian13 t1_j9z1fn6 wrote

"Deep dive into the occult"

Have you seen the film? Occult was nowhere in this film, it's a Ghost Story of a haunted new house built over a cemetary, not conjuring demons from a netherrealm.


vemenium t1_j9zdpfs wrote

Bare breasts in Airplane: PG. You’ve always been able to have some nudity without an R rating. Of the sex and nudity in Titanic, the sex steaming up the car is way more pushing the envelope than nudity not involved in sex.


Mountain_Sweet_5703 t1_j9zi22l wrote

There’s the Bad News Bears(1976) a movie about a youth baseball team being coached by an old alcoholic who recruits a girl. It’s a weird relationship, don’t think about it.

One kid says (I’m sorry) “Jews, Spics, Ni**ers, and now A GIRL??”. He says that multiple times I think.

This movie was a smashing success that inspired many sequels, including one set in Tokyo.

You guessed it, PG lol. It was just around before anything else.

Fun fact: this movie starred Jackie Earle Haley, who played Rorschach in Watchmen and Freddy Krueger in the 2010 remake. He’s a slightly-older child who smokes cigarettes, rides his dirt bike onto the field, hits on older women, and hits dingers during intentional walks to win the game.


karituba t1_j9zig9g wrote

This is my first indoor movie…. I was 8


_haha555 t1_j9zr46k wrote

One of the scariest movies I’ve seen


res30stupid t1_j9zw4aj wrote

Related to this, the original Ratchet & Clank was released as T for Teen because while the game was aimed closer to younger fans, the dirty jokes meant that the game was just unsuitable for younger players in the regular E for Everyone (5 and up) category. As a result, the ESRB invented the E-10 age rating which was used for the sequels.

Also, the PEGI release of Kingdom Hearts was rated for 7+, with one of the content warnings on the back of the case being a massive spider denoting the game had intense horror elements.


res30stupid t1_j9zwj5x wrote

Funny little detail, but the lead actress in Final Destination 2 was completely fine with being in such a violent, fucked-up horror film because as a Mormon, she was only upset if they were to ask her to swear.


climberdc202 t1_ja06vb1 wrote

I begged to see this movie in the theater when I was 11, one of my arguments was that it was only PG. I couldn't sleep alone in my room for 3 months or have any stuffed animal near me. 😂

Seems so tame now.


randomcanyon t1_ja0j9cw wrote

When that guy ripped off his face in the mirror I cringed. What a great special effect.


RevanTheDemon t1_ja0kkdt wrote

PG and PG13 are both red flags for a very poor quality movie today. If I'm iffy about a movie and I see it's rated PG13, I'm not going to watch it. Because more often than not it's a terrible movie.

If I'm iffy on it and it's rated R, however, more often than not it ends up being worth the watch and effort. PG13 means they've watered down an R Rated movie to garner a larger audience. IE the upcoming Daredevil movie, which is self admitted to be less violent and "Friendlier to a larger audience". Completely disregarding the fact that what made the show a success is the violence and adult themes.


drygnfyre t1_ja0kw9j wrote

PG-13 didn't exist until 1984. Movies like "Poltergiest" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark" were cited as one of the reasons why a rating between PG and R needed to exist.


drygnfyre t1_ja0l1s4 wrote

Most movies prior to 1968 (when the modern rating system was created) have never been officially re-rated, so they'll just be rated "G" regardless of content. Kind of funny turning on TCM, watching stuff like "Night of the Hunter" and noticing it's rated G. A movie the whole family can enjoy!


Blankmindplasty t1_ja0oygn wrote

Why would “diving into the occult” have anything to do with the ratings?


ProjectDirectory t1_ja17izo wrote

That scene where the mom is in her Tshirt and panties and rolls around on the wall and ceiling made me feel funny as a young boy.

The clowns still haunt me.


Bruce-7891 t1_ja1t9u0 wrote

It depends ok the genre really. October sky is a good movie based on a true story and has a PG rating. It didn’t require any sex or violence to tell the story so why change it for the sake of making it edgier? If it’s a horror, war or crime movie, I agree with you.


Theyos t1_ja2u3rs wrote

Oh yeah, fair enough.

Though I will say some of those assimilation/Queen death scenes in First Contact went hard, and Tuvok's Event Horizon fantasies were around before Picard brought the mood down.


Cute_Consideration38 t1_jaamg0l wrote

Moral obfuscation like:

You don't have to do what your parents say even if your father is the king. You know better than he does..

And if you see a cute guy, you should totally give up everything including EVER seeing your family again, and losing your gifted singing voice in a voodoo ritual so that you can go shack up with a sailor.

And then if it turns out that you're not happy with your choices you can breach any contract you entered into and if the other party doesn't want to oblige then it's perfectly okay to steal your payment back from them.

The Little Mermaid did it, and everything worked out well for her!

Also it's perfectly alright to break into places you're not allowed to be. And if you're hungry, you can totally steal food, because if you don't you'll starve and die. And while surviving, if you're have to destroy other people's possessions, or ruin their chance to make a living, so be it. Aladdin could have gotten a damn job. "Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat!"

Shall I go on?


shalafi71 t1_jaar9sy wrote

Ah! Makes more sense. But I see Disney simply telling stories that resonate with children, making 'em money. Every example you give is a child's power trip fantasy. "Yeah! I could do that thing!" Got any kids around? They're dumber than rocks when it comes to nuance; They're not reading life lessons into a cartoon.

Do you honestly see Disney having some sort of moral agenda? Reddit tells me all corporations are mindless money-making machines with no morals.

If you state that Disney does have some sort of agenda, especially a liberal one, why aren't they publicly dropping the hammer on DeSantis for his shenanigans? (May be getting far off track here, especially if you're not up-to-date on the story.)


Cute_Consideration38 t1_jab2tlw wrote

The moral agenda is, I admit, an illusion as everyone knows their agenda is profit based. But in an effort to maximize profit they cater to the child's disdain for rules and authority. Kids want to see examples of how it's possible to do bad things but still be liked, loved, and get everything that they want.

I mean if Aladdin got caught doing 90 percent of the things he does, during the era that is suggested, he would have a knife plunged into his abdomen and then he would pathetically bleed out on the cobblestone as wild dogs fight over his fingers. No ambulance, no lenient judges if you survive the stabbing, no investigation into your murder if you don't survive it. But that wouldn't make a good movie for babysitting, soooo....