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t1_ja40o0w wrote

Never watched or listened to either one.

Guess again. And don't tell other people to read, when you obviously are just regurgitating a dumbass opinion that fails spectacularly under any scrutinization at all.

Tell me the truth. If a gang starts building up an armed group in the front of your house are you just gonna sit there and let them do it and not call them aggressors?

I bet you can't tell the truth, because it shows how idiotic your dumbass regurgitated opinion is.


t1_ja4iui3 wrote

No, because it's a false analogy that I won't engage with. Fort Sumter was a federal fort on federal land that was already garrisoned by federal troops. Resupplying that fort was 100% within the federal government's rights. No one provoked SC. They just got scared that the new president-elect might take their precious slaves away from them, so they illegally seceded from the Union and ordered the government to abandon their own forts. They then attacked an unarmed ship that attempted to resupply Fort Sumter. At every step, the Confederate forces were the aggressors. But I'm not going to argue with a Lost Causer, since you probably refuse to accept actual historical evidence.


t1_ja4m72a wrote

Like I said.

You cannot be honest. Thanks for proving me right I guess, not that I needed it.

When South Carolina seceded, as they had an absolute right to do so, previous contracts were no longer valid and Sumter belonged to SC. Even so, the Confederacy attempted diplomacy and was even willing to compensate the Union, for the partially complete fort. You claiming it was already garrisoned by federal troops is an exaggeration as it wasn't even complete yet. Regardless, when the Confederate diplomats arrived in Washington, Lincoln refused to meet with them at all. He refused peaceful means in order for war. That is the cold hard, documented and undeniable fact. He also upended the democratic process in other states such as Maryland where he actually arrested legislatures to prevent them from doing their fucking jobs.

And you didn't just stop there with the dishonesty. That "unarmed" ship wasn't unarmed at all. It was full of military and supplies. The union used a civilian ship to do their dirty work and pull a fast one. Nobody was fooled.

The confederacy fired the first shots in self defense and only to rightfully reclaim their property and protect the city of Charleston and the port. Claiming that the South started the war despite the facts is no absolutely different whatsoever than my analogy and to claim otherwise is blatantly dishonest.

So once again, answer the fucking question or sit down and shut up rather than just spouting dishonest bullshit.

Tell me the truth. If a gang starts building up an armed group in the front of your house are you just gonna sit there and let them do it and not call them aggressors?


t1_ja4n8ms wrote

This is why I shouldn't engage with people like you. Enjoy the cross burning with the boys tonight.


t1_ja4nv2r wrote

Because you get called out for your dishonesty.

So you resort to making more false claims as is your nature. I don't have a shred of racism.

I'm sure a liar like you probably has plenty though