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-domi- t1_j7yqtr5 wrote

Can someone expand on the title a little bit, for those of us who don't recognize any of the names in the title, or the face pictured?


-domi- t1_j7yrizv wrote

I tried, and gave up after reading half of an article addressing Candice Bergen roles. For this to be interesting requires a lot of background knowledge and context, and I'm asking for a summary, so we can all appreciate why OP thought this was noteworthy.

Either help or don't, acting triggered helps nobody.


-domi- t1_j7zag7y wrote

Yeah, that's exactly what i was asking for. Anyone who knew that information would have been able to provide it in a sentence. And if you didn't _know_ that beforehand, it would be difficult to google your way to receiving that information boiled down into a sentence.

Murphy is a stereotypically male name, which adds further confusion, unless you have this knowledge ahead of time. You see how this worked - i ask a question, i receive an answer in a sentence. That's what makes reddit awesome.


PeregrineC t1_j7zayg9 wrote

Try: "Candice Bergen" "Murphy Brown", which would be the two obvious key phrases.

Top hit gets the Wikipedia page, and literally the first sentence displayed on Google -- without needing to click through -- gets "The series stars Candice Bergen as the eponymous Murphy Brown, a famous investigative journalist and news anchor".


-domi- t1_j7zd1uq wrote

Yeah, when you know this, it's super easy to google around and find what you know. Exactly why i asked people who knew this background knowledge to chime in. I can't tell if you're mad cause it worked, or if you're trying to prove to me that what obviously worked didn't work. I asked a question and got an answer. Why do you have a problem with it?


-domi- t1_j7zk3m3 wrote

Lmaoooo, what do you mean doubling down? I asked a question, and got an answer. Never once did i double anything. I've had to deal with a fair few of you who are mad that asking questions works, for some reason? But that's a small price to pay.


PeregrineC t1_j7zk853 wrote

>I tried, and gave up after reading half of an article addressing Candice Bergen roles. ...
>...when you know this, it's super easy to google around and find what you know.


ScottRiqui t1_j7zm7ti wrote

The national fuss over Bergen's character deciding to raise her child alone seems crazy now. It was only 30 years ago but I can't fathom it being such a big deal today.


valhalla_jordan t1_j7zn00l wrote

I don’t see why a person couldn’t be both an actor and a journalist.

Sounds like she just didn’t want to be a journalist. And why would she? She was a highly successful actress.


Delini t1_j7zohvq wrote

Your repeated insistence that the title was too cryptic to figure out what to google is what you’re doubling down on.

Even after someone pointed out to google “ Candice Bergen” and “Murphy Brown”, you were all like “how could I possibly know that”!

If you spent half the effort you use justifying your laziness on just not being lazy in the first place, you could have learned a lot more about Candice Bergen by now than just what was already in the title.

But hey, you do you. Don’t let random internet people trick you into self improvement.


-domi- t1_j7zvdr6 wrote

Uhhh, sure. For the convenience of not having to deal with SEO'd clickbait Google results. Again, not sure if you're mad cause it worked (as intended, perfectly), or if you're trying to suggest it didn't.

What happened here is basically equivalent to saying out loud, in the office, "what's today's date?" And then after someone tells me what it is, Karens like you come crawling out of the woodwork, screeching at me about how i could have found out if i hovered the mouse over the clock in the bottom-right corner of my screen.

I know. I don't care. Crawl back under your rock.


-domi- t1_j7zvlu8 wrote

Show me two things:

  1. Where i said the title is cryptic?

  2. Where i repeatedly insisted that the title is cryptic?

Address both of those, satisfactorily, and then i'll engage with the rest of your trolly comment.


Delini t1_j7zz07g wrote

>Can someone expand on the title a little bit, for those of us who don't recognize any of the names in the title, or the face pictured?

So, you can't read the title.


>Yeah, when you know this, it's super easy to google around and find what you know.

So, you can't read the title.


>Murphy is a stereotypically male name, which adds further confusion, unless you have this knowledge ahead of time.

So, you were confused by the title.


Three times, you stated the title wasn't clear to you. Now, your homework is to look up what the word repeatedly means, and what the word cryptic means. If you do that satisfactorily, I'll still decline your offer. I'm uninterested in your lame excuses.


-domi- t1_j805x41 wrote

Never did i call the title cryptic. The second thing you pulled literally has nothing at all to do with the title, it just addresses the fact that if you know enough to know how to word your Google search, you know enough to address the question i was asking. Third entry you quoted has to do with the same thing as the second - if you know that Candice is Murphy, you know enough to answer the question.

I asked if someone could expand on it.

Someone did.

We could all move on with our lives at this point, if it weren't for Karens like yourself.

> Even after someone pointed out to google “ Candice Bergen” and “Murphy Brown”, you were all like “how could I possibly know that”!

What the fuck are you talking about? Show me where someone answers the question and i ask them how i could have known that?

> I'm uninterested in your lame excuses.

Karen, step away from the keyboard. Nobody cares what you're interested in.


p38-lightning t1_j805zc4 wrote

... and then we elected a game show host as president.


Delini t1_j808wou wrote

>The second thing you pulled literally has nothing at all to do with the title, it just addresses the fact that if you know enough to know how to word your Google search, you know enough to address the question i was asking. Third entry you quoted has to do with the same thing as the second - if you know that Candice is Murphy, you know enough to answer the question.

So you couldn't use the title to figure out which words were relevant to a google search.

But not because it was too cryptic, you just didn't know what it said.

Well, you obviously didn't do the homework I asked you to do.


>What the fuck are you talking about? Show me where someone answers the question and i ask them how i could have known that?

Jesus Fucking Christ man. You typed it, then I quoted it, and you need me to find it for you again? No.


-domi- t1_j809mpt wrote

The only person who's answered my question never got a response from me, just an upvote. Some other Karen then tried flaming me for doing something which clearly worked - i asked a question and got the exact kind of answer i wanted (1 sentence to save me multiple Google searches and clickbait articles to read). Then, since that Karen started smelling up the place, you picked up the scent of a fellow Karen and showed up to keep flinging turds.

Shut up, Karen. Nobody cares that you're upset by the fact that i asked a question and got the perfect answer. I'm (insincerely) sorry that it upsets you that asking a question results in receiving an answer, and that you wished i would have Googled and read uninteresting shit instead. Stop pinking me, Karen. When you reply, it pings me. Then i gotta read the boring shit you type. Stop it.


Delini t1_j80f8sf wrote

> The only person who's answered my question never got a response from me

I answered one of your questions. And now you’re whining about it.

A lot.

> Stop pinking me, Karen. When you reply, it pings me. Then i gotta read the boring shit you type. Stop it.

Oh for fucks sake. Solve your own damn problems, I literally don’t care in the least what your phone does, if you don’t like what it’s doing, fix the problem yourself like a big boy.


Delini t1_j80znon wrote

Yeah, you asked how you doubled down, and then I started right after that by answering the question.

Not how “starting it” works, but hey, you’re trolling so facts aren’t really relevant at this point.


-domi- t1_j8109dt wrote

Karen, you insulted me before i ever responded in kind. Why are you so mad that i asked a question and got an answer? What about it is so fucking hurtful to you? Why can't you live with the fact that i didn't know something, and i asked for it, and someone told it to me straight? Why are you so emotionally distraught over the fact that i found something out without googling it? Are things okay at home? Do you remember what grass feels like to the touch? Why won't you just see a therapist?

The mysteries in this thread are endless.


Delini t1_j812a1a wrote

Wow, you ask a lot of questions for someone who gets upset by answers.

I’d answer the questions individually, but it think it might break your brain if I gave that many answers. The answers basically boil down to:

You were curious about where you doubled down, and I told you.


You’re vastly overestimating how invested I am in this conversation.


-domi- t1_j81dk3a wrote

Never did double down. Asked a question. Got an answer. Been dealing with Karens like you being upset about it ever since. Dunno why you've doubled down on being a Karen about it. Try the grass thing.


Schwifty_Na t1_j81i0qq wrote

Maybe she thought it would be WILDLY disrespectful to trained journalists...people who spent years in school and long careers honing their craft. Probably also thought that confusing the general public wasn't the best idea in the world. And look, she was right. We elected a reality show host.

I'm sure she COULD do it. But you CAN do lots of things you shouldn't do.


MovieCriticsAreSJWs t1_j81jc76 wrote

Can we at least admit the common sense of it all? If you're in a busy career, you have no time for family including spouses and children. The children are eventually raised by nannies, babysitters, and Disney+. That seems to have worked so well for Gen Z kids. /s


MovieCriticsAreSJWs t1_j81k858 wrote

A journalist was once a highly respectable career/job requiring academic and professional credentials. Now, it's near the bottom along with used car salesman and social media influencer.


ScottRiqui t1_j81kwv7 wrote

She was in a relationship, became pregnant, and then the father "noped" out of the relationship. Single motherhood is not ideal, but what would you have had her do, especially considering that she was at least in a better financial situation than most women who have to make the choice?

And are you really saying that anyone (male or female) in a "busy career" shouldn't even have a spouse since they "have no time" for one?


PeregrineC t1_j81nk1h wrote

Yep, pretty much. If someone did say that out loud in the office, I'd be pretty sure they're a blundering dunderfuck who shouldn't be trusted to buckle their own belt, let alone use a toilet.

And so, since you said it in the office, plenty of people have said, "Why the fuck can't you figure that out yourself?", while you're all "Nyah nyah! I got someone to do it for me, and you're all losers and smell funny."

So, hey. Every so often when online, I get to ping you, and apparently this makes you SO VERY SAD.


-domi- t1_j81nsw6 wrote

Lmao, won't you ever stop crying. Never did i double down. I didn't in fact single down, either. Whatever dipshittery goes on in your skull that's convinced you that i had an issue with the title - i never did. I just asked, politely, for someone to expand on it. And wouldn't you know it - someone fucking did. That was before you got upset by the fact that i asked a question and someone answered it. You soppy cunt haven't stopped whinging about it ever since.

Also, i dunno why you're lying to yourself as much as you do, but it's pretty obvious that you have some issues going on, so i guess i won't bother talking you out of it. It's not like you're capable of considering new information anyway. xD

Do the grass thing, though, for real.


Delini t1_j81osg1 wrote

You really need to think up some better insults if you’re goal here is to make me cry.

Try something creative. Like if I said “it’s like I’m have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent” try a witty comeback rather than just use the last insult your mom called you.


valhalla_jordan t1_j81p2xo wrote

Would it be disrespectful to electricians if she decided to become an electrician? They’ve spent years honing their craft.

And I really don’t what Trump has to do with it. He’s not really an actor and he’s definitely not a journalist. I think the public can grasp that people can wear multiple hats.


-domi- t1_j81qntn wrote

Because i don't work with Karens like yourself, homie. If you ever brought actual value to a conversation or a collective, you might figure out why it is that simple questions receiving simple answers is a net benefit to a collective of humans. Won't bet on you figuring that out, as i very much doubt that you get along with people, in general, judging by your disposition there.

That thing you're doing, where you're projecting your sadness on strangers, then making fun of the sadness you projected on them - that's prolly indicative of some issues, homie. Consider having it checked out.

I asked a simple question, and like you pointed out yourself - i got a simple answer. I'm fucking smiling. Do reach out whenever you wanna whinge about it some more. Always here to point out to you that the thing which so upset you actually worked very well for everyone involved.


Delini t1_j81u7vn wrote

You might take all day to type out a handful of messages, but you’re a special case. Most people only take a few seconds.

Maybe using a bib or something to keep the drool from getting in the keyboard will help.


PeregrineC t1_j82efhn wrote

Sure thing, babytroll. You whisper your affirmations in the mirror. "I bring value, and I get along with people, and anyone who doesn't think so is projecting their sadness."

Then ask if anyone can mop the drool off your chin, because the collective is probably saying, as soon as you toddle off, "For fuck's sake, this idiot is asking questions again because they're too fucking incompetent to do anything themselves."


PeregrineC t1_j83uv4s wrote

Yes, yes, child. You learned the word Karen and have decided to keep repeating it because it makes you feel like a grown up.

Hope your diaper rash doesn't get too bad, babycakes!


LevelPerception4 t1_j84zaq5 wrote

Murphy Brown (name of the TV show as well as the character Bergen played) was very popular in 1992. It got some extra media coverage when then-Vice President Dan Quayle made a speech criticizing the show for Bergen’s character becoming a single mother. About a month later, Quayle was judging a spelling bee, and prompted a kid to spell potato “potatoe.”

To me as a perpetually stoned college student, Quayle was hilarious, and I thought he was a major factor in Clinton’s victory. But then the country elected Dubya twice, and then Trump, so now it just seems like a depressing incident where the country dodged a bullet. I’m sorry GenZ didn’t at least get to experience the brief illusion that there are people so dumb, US voters won’t elect them.

Although it’s never good to be overly cynical. I voted for Obama in 2008 thinking there was no chance he’d win. I thought John Edwards had the best chance. Must’ve been the hair. It was humbling to be wrong about US voters not electing a black President, but it also lulled me into a false sense of security in 2016. I’m not sure Republicans really wanted to win in 2008. It’s been the pattern throughout my life that Republicans gain office, destroy the economy, and then ensure the Democrat elected to fix it gets no credit for doing it.


MovieCriticsAreSJWs t1_j85pnr1 wrote

In movies and TV, you can have your cake and eat it too. In reality, the majority of people are working beyond 50 hours a week which doesn't include travel. Pregnancies also are unplanned. She had a "white people problem" in that her financial position gave her several options.


HPmoni t1_j8ejvw8 wrote

Quayle was mocked, but saying a kid doesn't need a good father is a bad message.

The Simpsons was an important show. Bart was a terrible role model. The Simpsons were a bad family. That was shocking in the 90s so bush complained.