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blahblahrasputan t1_ja4kk6v wrote

This reminds me I had a great Popeye game on Commodore 64 when I was a kid and it was pretty similar to classic Donkey Kong where you played as "Mario" (which I also had on C64). It was hard, a bit weird, but really entertaining. So I wonder if that game is what they were trying to get the rights to back in the 80s?



ZylonBane t1_ja4mnoa wrote

All these people who aren't aware that Popeye was originally an arcade game are blowing my mind.


SheeEttin t1_ja4n000 wrote

Popeye was originally a comic strip


Solidsnakeerection t1_ja5zhto wrote

Popeye was originally a minor character in Thimble Theater starring Olive Oyl and her boyfriend Harold Hagravy


blahblahrasputan t1_ja4mzn0 wrote

Was it on arcade too? Nice. I was pretty young back then, and for context we had a Commodore 64 (floppy disk and cartridges) until Win95 released lol, we didn't have much money for that sort of thing. So many great memories though! I still spin up og Pirates! Every year or two.