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Hillz44 t1_jct8ikk wrote

Ten years total. I get it but I don’t care


QristopherQuixote t1_jct97m7 wrote

In the Western world, all denominations of christianity are declining. However, Catholicism is declining faster than most protestant denominations and certainly the large ones. Catholic Churches in the US are closing much faster than any that are opening with the total net closure rate in the double digits.

Medieval Catholicism is out of step with the modern world. While it is unclear when it will happen, the pope will become irrelevant everywhere except maybe the developing world later this century.


Brimstone-n-Treacle t1_jcta0vz wrote

But they made up for it in the 14th century, when they had two Popes at the same time - so it all evened out.


fredsam25 t1_jcteuvv wrote

But who covered up the priest child abuse for those years!?!? It must have been nerve-racking to be a priest during that time, not knowing who was going to excuse your pedophilia.


all_the_gravy t1_jctfgbh wrote

Sometime around that time 1200ish there was a woman disguised as a man who was elected pope. She was of course scrubbed from public history, and she wasn't pope for very long. I read a book "Pope Joan" about it. I don't recommend that book but it's a good place to start if you're interested.


wwarnout t1_jcthx0v wrote

Throne. This is one of the main reasons religion is illegitimate. Can you imagine Jesus wanting to be on a throne?


RamseyATX t1_jcti6k0 wrote

Jesus is always on the Throne


_PM_ME_PANGOLINS_ t1_jctp2yp wrote

This is to be expected. The position is elected and for life. It will naturally accumulate time when there is no current holder.


Lahk74 t1_jctrucn wrote

TIL 2 years 10 months is longer than a decade. Shitty title.


ExpensiveRecover t1_jctvm9l wrote

Dude, reading comprehension. That's the longest continuos time, but if you add every period between the death of one Pope and the election and appointment of the next, it'll be over a decade, as the title says


flodnak t1_jctyi1b wrote

Ah, but that's not the best bit. The best bit is what the local authorities were willing to do to bring an end to the papal election.

See, in 1270ish, the Pope wasn't just the head of the Western Church, but also the earthly ruler of a chunk of central Italy. So it was a problem that there was no one in charge. Local authorities in the town where the election was being held became increasingly impatient. First they locked the cardinals in the palace where the meetings were being held. Then they put them on bread and water rations. Finally they removed the roof of the palace. Finally the cardinals agreed to a compromise candidate and they were allowed to go home.


Feisty_Jury_5325 t1_jctz2kt wrote

Not sure why this was downvoted. I’m a devout Catholic and I would say everything you mention here is right on the money.

There are small factions of revivals that are proponents of the Latin mass but most people today are turned off by the 70/80s brutalist, carpeted versions of the Mass.

We watered it down for everyone and wonder why we now appeal to no one.

I have friends who are priests and seminarians and the diocesan mergers are picking up speed. Priests are overworked and leaving their posts.

If the Catholic Church was a Business it would be Dunder Mifflin.

God bless everyone.


penregalia t1_jcuvc69 wrote

I've got a buddy obsessed with Latin Mass. Routinely rails against the evils of Vatican II. I think it's more easily explained that anyone not repulsed by the demonstrable evils of the clergy against children wants things going backwards and more conservative. It's just funny cherry-picking Catholic dogma/rules to serve your worldview.


snow_michael t1_jd0psq1 wrote

  1. Popes in the past have been removed from office

  2. Technically the position the College of Cardinals vote someone to hold is Bishop of Rome

  3. If you can't understand the conflict between 'appointed for life' and 'is able to retire' I don't know what to say to you