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Mentalfloss1 t1_jegunip wrote

Most of us have been in one. It’s a pain in the butt too. Your skis or snowshoes get tangled in the lower branches so that it’s really hard to climb out without detaching them. Detaching them is hard. My best friend fell into one when snowshoeing and disappeared. He was wearing snowshoes and a 50-pound pack. I had to lay down in the snow to help him out. We were cracking up.

Edit: Most of us who play in deep snow. I live in Oregon. There’s about 15 feet of snow in the mountains and more coming.


pharaohandrew t1_jegv2vt wrote

Most of whom? I’m in Georgia.


Mentalfloss1 t1_jegvijl wrote

Sorry … most of us who play in the snow in the winter out here in the Pacific Northwest. I’ll edit.


pharaohandrew t1_jegwz2y wrote

All good, sounds like a fun way to grow up. All we really had along those lines around here is close calls with venomous snakes.


Mentalfloss1 t1_jegxedm wrote

I grew up in southern Indiana in an environment similar to Georgia. Hot, humid, rattlesnakes, copperheads, a zillion biting bugs, and so on. We did have snow in the winter but never over a few inches.


pharaohandrew t1_jeh4h5r wrote

I’m starting to doubt I’ll ever see snow in north GA again. Been a few years at this point. We’ve had flurries but nothing coating the ground for a hot minute