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PrecariouslyPeculiar OP t1_jd7aq0l wrote

I actually never got around to reading the full series myself. I only read the first few books when I was little. But your comment definitely intrigues me! It makes me feel like growing up in Australia really helped inform the author's vision of a wild but fantastic world. And I can see why anime studios were interested in adapting it, too. Sorry about the house fire, though. That royally sucks D:


Dawnawaken92 t1_jd7k0bf wrote

I can definitely see how Australia helped craft her world. In so few worlds. She transported us to a toned down grimdark world that was full of fantasy. I absolutely loved her books. And they are short at that. She packed so much detail into them. But didn't waste time trying to make it into Harry Potter or something. I'd have loved this way more than HP to if it were movies.