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Salarian_American t1_je8fp5e wrote

When I was a kid, William Daniels was famous for being the voice of KITT on Knight Rider.


Klin24 t1_je8isel wrote

He was great in 1776.

EDIT: the movie, not the year.


nowhereman136 t1_je8j4c5 wrote

Funfact: William Daniels played John Adams in the musical 1776 on Broadway and on film. The high school he is the principal of on Boy Meets World is John Adams High

Double funfact: in the sequel series Girl Meets World, Riley (Corey and Topanga's daughter) attends John Quincy Adams High, named for the son of John Adams


Sdog1981 t1_je8m8ls wrote

They both won Emmies on the same night in 1985.


ILikeToThinkOutloud t1_je8n7l5 wrote

And they got married in the show! She played the Dean. Also the Pod Meets World episode with them will warm your heart.


Tylerdurden389 t1_je8v6hp wrote

This dude absolutely steals the show in a criminally underrated 80s comedy called "Blind Date." He hates his son (played by John Laroquette) and belittles him at every chance he can. Perfect deadpan humor.


webswinger666 t1_jea2mko wrote

wonder what challenges they’ve faced in their marriage, what their failures and successes were.


PM_ME_A_FUTURE t1_jeb31ur wrote

My grandparents have got that beat :). Not a Hollywood couple though.


pfp-disciple t1_jebkzjl wrote

He had an interesting role in Her Alibi as well. I still recall his comment after his girlfriend (acquaintance? It's been a decade or more) had her stomach pumped and said something about the being the biggest thing she's ever had on her mouth. He said "That's not what I've heard." So deadpan and dripping with innuendo.