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CulturedClub t1_je5e23r wrote

So do you think that there was no one else in the commenter's class that was also born in August or even July? I.e. everyone else in their class was born the previous September


Toy_Guy_in_MO t1_je63j5i wrote

The commenter said

> I was as much as a year younger

This allows for a range. And as in the example of my own class, not everyone was a year younger than everyone else; that would be impossible. But a large portion of the students were close to or more than a year younger than a good portion of other kids in the class and this showed in academics or athletics. Most of the birthdays in our class, that we celebrated, were Sept/Oct or Feb/Mar, relatively few in the Nov-Jan span, Apr/May and unknown in the summer months. And especially at those younger ages, it doesn't even have to be a full year, even a matter of 2-3 months is a big difference. A child who is 5 years and 3 months will, on average, have an advantage over a child who has just turned 5.


CulturedClub t1_je6b4rf wrote

Commenter did a sneaky wee edit. Your point is the same as the one I was making to them.


hoarder59 t1_je72cxp wrote

No, but the average age would be older per grade. I was the youngest, on the younger age of the average. If I waited a year I would have been the oldest, older than the average but receiving the same instruction. I was the best reader/writer but the least social. In sports, where it really matters is the growth of a child. Go to and look at the birthdate of professional hockey players. The overwhelming majority were born in the first 3 months of the year. Kids start hockey by age group. There is some adjustment for skill, but older kids aren't moved downand only the very top talents move up.