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pethris t1_jebj4ff wrote

how many times do posts for this sub come from people listening to Robert Evans


Pfeffer_Prinz OP t1_jecyj3o wrote

I don't know who that is! I was actually reading an article about how in the 1800s, tuberculosis symptoms were attractive in high society (making you frighteningly skinny, with skin so pale it was translucent, and rosy cheeks from constant fever). Even after they got over the epidemic, the beauty standards stuck around... until Chanel's suntan


PerpetuallyLurking t1_jebji0v wrote

I’m literally in the middle of part 2 and thought “I haven’t hit that part yet!” lol


cranberrystew99 t1_jedfbne wrote

Same here! It's weird how the internet syncs up like this at times!

Feminist, nazi icon, Coco Chanel.


kaleidingscope t1_jed4sn0 wrote

I just listened to both episodes today at work, and I don’t remember this being mentioned.