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dementorpoop t1_jduefqg wrote

Since it could be interpreted as travel, and travel is one of the exemptions for fasting, I doubt it was very hard for them to come up with the solution that he could make up his fast later. Also water isn’t necessary for ablutions (tayyammum), and neither is physical movement for prayer. All of these exclusions and exceptions were established when the religion was founded. It’s great that they made specific guidelines for space travel, but ultimately Islam is about intention, not inconvenience, so all of their solutions are based on established doctrine.


JMEEKER86 t1_jdunrr4 wrote

Yeah, from what I understand of their customs it really is the thought that counts. If you thought you had your prayer rug pointed the right direction and discover 30 years later that it should have been 40 degrees in the other direction that's not a big deal. Just fix it and then go about things like normal. No need to say 100 prayers to atone for your poor furniture arrangement skills.


coolpapa2282 t1_jdw3bco wrote

Makes much more sense than when the Catholic church finds out a priest said one word wrong his whole career and so none of the baptisms he did count any more....


MaxillaryOvipositor t1_jdwoxvy wrote

I worked with a family of Bosnian Muslim refugees, and a short time after I started working there the mother of the group had learned she had been praying in the wrong direction for 25 years. It became a hilarious joke for the rest of them and they were always teasing her about it.


Tough_Music4296 t1_jdwxu3w wrote

Its incredible, to me, to find a religion where your intentions count as much as your actions.

If you set out to do a good thing but for some reason couldnt, you get the rewards as if you had done the good thing.


OrgJoho75 t1_jduo39n wrote

We called it Rukhsah : "exemption while in difficult situation".


Jamesaliba t1_jduyvn3 wrote

Travel is when you’re on your way not when you’ve settled


imevul t1_jdv9cgu wrote

We're all traveling at great speeds through space/time, so according to which frame of reference are we talking here?

An outside observer would say you are traveling at great speed on a train for example, while in your own reference frame you would be stationary (until you accelerate).

Or maybe it's more philosophical? I know I don't feel quite settled until I'm at home, taking a dump while sitting on my own toilet. That, to me, is one of the places where I feel most at peace.


Amishhellcat t1_jdvaqth wrote

I know I don't feel settled until my second scout and a monument has been produced.


PaxNova t1_jdx9frs wrote

The frame of reference would be towards Mecca, would it not? As long as we're on the same planet as Mecca, the planet traveling wouldn't count.