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imevul t1_jdv9cgu wrote

We're all traveling at great speeds through space/time, so according to which frame of reference are we talking here?

An outside observer would say you are traveling at great speed on a train for example, while in your own reference frame you would be stationary (until you accelerate).

Or maybe it's more philosophical? I know I don't feel quite settled until I'm at home, taking a dump while sitting on my own toilet. That, to me, is one of the places where I feel most at peace.


Amishhellcat t1_jdvaqth wrote

I know I don't feel settled until my second scout and a monument has been produced.


PaxNova t1_jdx9frs wrote

The frame of reference would be towards Mecca, would it not? As long as we're on the same planet as Mecca, the planet traveling wouldn't count.