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robocord t1_jeadut1 wrote

That girl thinks she’s the Queen of the neighborhood


Latyon t1_jeah5ic wrote

Which is funny that that is the case, because all through my childhood whenever I would see that title, I would think, "Is this a song about deodorant or something?" despite not knowing that Teen Spirit was a deodorant.


benefit_of_mrkite t1_jeapfgj wrote

I’m really surprised he didn’t know what teen spirit was - the commercials for it were played all the time back then. They were played a lot on MTV. It was hard to escape.


theyipper t1_jeaq6nx wrote

So, who was Kurt with that was wearing the deodorant?


substantial-freud t1_jeatxeg wrote

Teen Spirit, as the name suggests, was aimed at very young women.

The point of the jibe was that Cobain was sleeping with someone inappropriately young for him.


foofly t1_jeazrvq wrote

Kurt was a legit riot grrl


DylanToback8 t1_jebhvyd wrote

That’s not true. He was “secretly” dating some girl, can’t remember who, that everyone knew to wear that deodorant. The message was to let him know everyone knew the big “secret”. Source: I’ve read four different biographies about him.


EarthBoundMisfitEye t1_jeblzey wrote

I knew when the song came out that a deodorant had that name. I figured they also knew and didn't care. That song was destined to go on forever unlike the defunct product.


Gabi_Social t1_jebpbqf wrote

If the song was written in the UK it would have been called “Smells Like Charlie Red” which doesn’t have the same ring to it.


botglm t1_jebqqar wrote

Didn’t this smell like watermelon?


DaveOJ12 t1_jeca6ml wrote

The writing is just... Wow.


>When Cobain found out what Teen Spirit was, he was highly upset and very possibly humiliated, but as he didn't live very long, and was always in a bad mood anyway, naming a song after a well-liked deodorant probably didn't hurt his career.


giskardwasright t1_jecm6ot wrote

I remember it being heavily advertised in magazines that appealed to teen girls. One magazine even ran a contest (can't remember the specifics of the contest) and the prize was Nirvana playing at your school.


rayinreverse t1_jedf61l wrote

It’s not like Smells Like Teen Spirit was actually in a single lyric. Pretty sure this story is BS. Kathleen Hanna probably did say that, but naming the song that was very intentional.


ThisIsWhyINeedAGun t1_jedgmva wrote

So he was making a song and a meme at the same time. Now it’s starting to make sense. Could never understand the popularity with it until now


VitaSackvilleBaggins t1_jeds8zr wrote

"When Cobain found out what Teen Spirit was, he was highly upset and very possibly humiliated, but as he didn't live very long, and was always in a bad mood anyway, naming a song after a well-liked deodorant probably didn't hurt his career."