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Ok_Copy5217 t1_jcunhyo wrote

how did they get Nixon's voice to say new sentences? so does this mean I can upload an audio file of anyone and get it to say whatever I want?


[deleted] OP t1_jcuny15 wrote

There’s a behind the scenes video, but what they did was they had an AI program watch tons of Nixon speeches to determine what his voice sounded like, had an actor deliver the speech, then had the bot change Nixon’s mouth movements (the visual they used was actually his resignation speech) and change the actor’s voice to Nixon’s.

It was done to raise awareness about deepfakes by creating what would have been a very memorable moment for the entire world that actually never happened.


SendMeNudesThough t1_jcurebu wrote

Have you missed the entire ElevenLabs thing and the voice cloning drama?

David Attenburough's voice narrating Fallout creatures

Emma Watson's voice reading Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

Donald Trump and President Biden debating Clone Troopers from Star Wars

George Lucas talking about Jar Jar Binks

Rod Serling narrating a NSFW Twilight Zone episode

With clear enough samples, ElevenLabs can pretty convincingly clone a voice and you can make them say anything.


PM_ur_Rump t1_jcuyshe wrote

Don't forget Tucker Carlson talking about Vaporeon being the most fuckable Pokemon.



SendMeNudesThough t1_jcuzcr8 wrote

Well in the case of that one there's just no way to tell whether that's real or AI


KippieDaoud t1_jcwvtd5 wrote

wow besides the weirdly blurred mouth and that this speech made more sense than his usual bs, it is really hard to spot it as fake


Ok_Copy5217 t1_jcurs45 wrote

like can I clone the voice of my group member and have him "record" a presentation for class since he is absent?


SendMeNudesThough t1_jcus149 wrote

Sure, give the AI enough clear voice samples and it can clone anyone's voice


otclogic t1_jcupgmk wrote

It needs a massive sample for it to sound convincing. There’s tons of audio deepfakes of Obama, Trump, Biden, and Ben Shapiro playing video games together. Between unserious performances by whoever is speaking their lines and the fact that even with hundreds or thousands of hours of publicly available dialogue it’s still difficult to get publicly available deepfake models to portray those people smoothly and convincingly.


Designer-Edge-6505 t1_jcupfn7 wrote

Well, I'm pretty sure if we could do that, we would have gotten Morgan Freeman to narrate our lives by now.