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michal_hanu_la t1_jdq8xjf wrote

The reason we like MSG is that it indicates presence of protein. We like protein.


colonel_beeeees t1_jdqgl6c wrote

MSG - mono sodium glutamate - one sodium atom with a very basic amino acid, used in most proteins, and the actual savory molecule that the word umami refers to

The fear mongering was entirely racism/classism based, the stuff is nutritious unless you're just eating spoons of it


hje1967 t1_jdqkiga wrote

So they come armed & ready?

Edit: No Michael Schenker Group fans here apparently.. 🤣


disneyvacafacts t1_jdqxm0h wrote

So did I when this exact this was posted 2 days ago. Thanks Mr Bot!


fredsam25 t1_jdqybtw wrote

So does cyanide. Naturally occurring doesn't signify anything. We have had to breed out toxic traits from many plants for domestication. Just because a chemical can be found in food we consume doesn't mean anything besides we have allowed it to remain.


AudibleNod t1_jdrjp0m wrote

And some plants besides tobacco contain nicotine. Such as potatoes and tomatoes.


palea_alt t1_jdtgftb wrote

It also contains less salt than...salt. Literally a healthier substitute.


fredsam25 t1_jdtnmsb wrote

The fact that msg is not dangerous is independent of the fact that it's naturally occurring in our food. Like I said, our food also naturally has cyanide in it. Naturally occurring is not significant in something's harm/benefit.


GodOfChickens t1_jdwcabs wrote

I used to use it quite often, but I bought a bunch of different salts, one of them in particular, sel gris de guérande, has a very high mineral content and adds the same taste I associate with msg, but it's much more versatile and comes through as a noticeable flavour more often. I recommend it to anyone who likes msg.