Matchanu t1_jdvbdhl wrote
Out of curiosity, what did you previously think their purpose was?
Hedfuct82 t1_jdvct63 wrote
Yeah, I don't recall ever not knowing they were for planes. Some kids are just more curious than others and I must have asked what they were for. Or I knew the long standalone red beacons were for planes, and just figured the ones on top of building were for the same purpose.
[deleted] t1_jdvdjvn wrote
artisnotsubjective t1_jdvgslf wrote
Wait till you learn about those red/white balls on high voltage power lines...
Iron_Chic t1_jdvh3uh wrote
Stoplights for bird traffic.
Consider2SidesPeace t1_jdvhffn wrote
Very tall cars with their headlights buried :)
bearjew64 OP t1_jdvi6us wrote
One of those things you see and don’t think about. I figured they were airplane related, but the technical system is pretty cool!
noxii3101 t1_jdvjsqj wrote
yea... no shit.
Veritas3333 t1_jdvkiqs wrote
Fun fact: the castle at Disney world was specifically built one foot shorter than the height that would require a red light at the top.
TryPokingIt t1_jdvl9wi wrote
And the series of three multicolored vertical lights at road intersections are meant to control traffic flow
OldMork t1_jdvnfe3 wrote
Bee disco
Vlacas12 t1_jdvnfii wrote
No, they are the antennas to control them.
Qwez81 t1_jdvs9yv wrote
They’re obviously to let everyone know they are closed at night
Frox333 t1_jdvuwiq wrote
In addition, stop signs are octagons that are colored red
Shoopdawoop993 t1_jdvxla3 wrote
TIL that the red lights at the back of motor vehicles across the globe are called "tail lights" and are used to help drivers of low flying automobiles avoid collisions with other otherwise hard to see cars.
Shoopdawoop993 t1_jdvxqk1 wrote
Im psure i saw a red blinking light in the sky as a small child and asked my dad.
ugotamesij t1_jdvyqjl wrote
The real TIL is always in the comments
Sunsparc t1_jdw4nv6 wrote
This is the case for any structure that exceeds 200ft above ground level. You'll see them on top of radio and cell towers as well.
Waffleman75 t1_jdweji4 wrote
I've know this since I was a kid. How old are you OP?
Larkson9999 t1_jdwgv7a wrote
Tall towers are painted red and white to help them stand out better against a blue sky during the day too. And beacon lights at the top are required in cities normally over 100ft but after 300 ft you also need side light beacons too. Some towers are specifically built to be 295ft tall so they can save money on maintaining three lights.
i_hate_gift_cards t1_jdwiiwo wrote
Psych_Crisis t1_jdwt5f8 wrote
I worked in radio for awhile, and at night we had a procedure where the board operator (the only person in the building over night) checks the transmitters periodically to make sure they're operating within certain specs. After dark, you also have to check a little indicator for the lights on the tower.
One night the indicator said the lights weren't on. I called the chief engineer and woke him up. He advised me on power cycling the whole thing, and said "if the lights don't come back on, you're going to be spending some time on the phone with the FAA." Luckily, they did. Learned something about my job that night, though.
Pika256 t1_jdx1kz0 wrote
I love being randomly reminded that sub exists.
hooptyboots18 t1_jdxdkj6 wrote
And we climb those tall towers to change those bulbs.
mdopoiex1 t1_jdxdrxy wrote
Are you 8 years old?
spaghoni t1_jdxh6nn wrote
I'm surprised they didn't just buy a politician and have the regulations changed.
j420hny t1_jdyjxvi wrote
HouseDowntown8602 t1_jdyn8ll wrote
Gold-Difficulty6557 t1_je00phk wrote
Yet, people still seem to fly right into buildings; and strangely many high profile people at that. 🙄
citizenjones t1_je03p7f wrote
That thing sure is tall. Look, it has a light on it so planes and helicopters don't hit it.
LillyPip t1_je0xobq wrote
I asked my dad as a child what the lights on towers were for, too. He said ‘so planes don’t hit the towers’. Then I asked what the towers were for, and he said ‘to hold up the lights’. That messed with my head for years.
[deleted] t1_jdvb87q wrote