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plaincoldtofu t1_je94uv8 wrote

A quick Internet search reveals that there were 10,305 athletes in the Tokyo Olympics. That’s roughly 15 condoms per athlete. The event lasted 17 days. That’s less than 1 sex per day of the Olympics per athlete. I guess that would end up being slightly more, assuming that the athletes would mainly be hooking up with each other and not other staff, volunteers, etc. Given these numbers, the condom distribution is on par with what many university health centers regularly distribute to incoming freshmen. From a public health perspective, it’s pretty reasonable.


elpajaroquemamais t1_je99puk wrote

It’s 30 condoms per pair of athletes though.


plaincoldtofu t1_je99spr wrote

Hehe that’s why I said, “I guess that would be slightly more, assuming that the athletes are mainly hooking up with each other….”


RuinedBooch t1_je9uwwu wrote

Who bones just once, though? You need a fresh condom for rounds 2&3. You have to assume athletes have the stamina for more than one round. And if they’re going for 2-4 rounds on 30 condoms in 17 days, they’re not boning every day. And all that is assuming that the participants are using all the condoms they’re given, which is unlikely. When have you ever used all the free bullshit you got at some event?


MichaelSpeck t1_jea8uv4 wrote

I think you can also assume some of them brought their own supply.


somegridplayer t1_jea1qyd wrote

Most would probably wait until their event is over to bang.


Vilsue t1_jeaddxo wrote

they bang just before event, cos its proven it increase performance ( at least in men)


cokecola123 t1_jecclat wrote

Not disputing this but we were always told it was the opposite. Doing it the night before leaves you tired (not due to the idea of cumming but because u were up late having fun)


aw-un t1_je9kpw0 wrote

You forgot that each condom use involves, at a minimum, two athletes.


ColonelKasteen t1_je9umin wrote

And you forget that many acts of sexual congress end up requiring more than one condom


Gloinson t1_je9ni1u wrote

Yeah, no, follow my ... train ... of thought: there are circumstances where you might need two condoms for three people. That behaviour nears asymptotic to 1 condom per partassipant.


ButterscotchMuch5162 t1_jea932f wrote

We also have to remember that some of the athletes, such as gymnasts, are like 10 years old. Hopefully they’re not having sex.