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AudibleNod t1_je9pcdc wrote

I think the politically correct term for 'dummy corporations' is now 'real boy corporations'. Corporations are people too, you know.


TheMadShatterP00P t1_je9tzhm wrote

If you walk down main street in magic kingdom, names of those people/organizations are printed in the second story windows of the buildings/shops.


chinese_in_law t1_je9yncw wrote

Big fan of the Sean Baker film and had no idea that’s what the title was referring to.


DavoTB t1_jea2aov wrote

Those who live in the area have experience with the “hidden” side of the manner that Disney operated then, and even in more recent years. One friend lives in the area near Cape Canaveral, usually called Cape Kennedy at that time. They heard of land being bought up, and figured it was related to the space program and speculated that it was driven by NASA expansion during that time. Later, when Walt Disney World opened, the area saw tremendous growth, which later dissipated with the shrinkage of the space program.

Sadly, when we last visited relatives in the Orlando and Space Coast area, (especially the Cape Canaveral area), there was widespread foreclosures and abandoned houses in some neighborhoods where contractors, engineers and technicians from NASA and companies like Hughes and Martin Marietta once lived.


max-peck t1_jea7auv wrote

Yeah I'm a pretty big fan of the space race and learning all about that stuff and was so psyched to check out the space coast when I got a chance to. Outside of Kennedy Space Center there really isn't much to see and it's pretty depressing tbh. Really rundown, gave Scooby Doo ghost town vibes.


Foxhound199 t1_jea8pjx wrote

I learned recently their first choice was near New Orleans, but as soon as officials got wind of it it, they started demanding more and more fees. That might explain some of the secrecy.


respondin2u t1_jeaaaq2 wrote

They tried to buy up land in Virginia in the 90’s to build another resort but word got out what they were trying to do and it fell apart. Not to mention some of the ideas of what they wanted to do involved white washing American history to the point it was quite offensive.


wickethewok t1_jeadr9o wrote

Given how packed and sometimes sold out the two US parks are, I think there is demand for a third. Maybe in the middle of the country in like Texas or something. But Disney could very well be years deep into such a project and almost no one would know.


DevoutandHeretical t1_jeaii68 wrote

What I remember hearing was that when he built Disneyland everyone and their mother knew it was happening and bought up a ton of the space around the park and crowded it up, so he didn’t want to repeat that with Disneyworld so that they could expand as they desired.


conventionalWisdumb t1_jeaismi wrote

Sorry, I’m trying to connect the dots: what’s the “hidden” side? It seems like you’re implying that Disney killed the Space Coast? I’m not sure that tracks. I’m from central Florida and very familiar with the way Disney operates politically and economically in the area, and I don’t see the connection you’re trying to make.


Themanstall t1_jeaiy8l wrote

This is scummy and should be illegal.


DavoTB t1_jeap697 wrote

You may be more familiar than most of the impact Disney has on the region. “The hidden side” was referring to the secretive 1960’s purchase of land, mentioned in the wiki article linked. It was later “revealed” to be part of the Disney project.

Not implying that Disney killed the Space Coast, either. That seems to be the result of changes in investment for the Space Program, and contractors who worked in engineering jobs related to the Space Program.


kingsumo_1 t1_jeawc1n wrote

Before Disney, the Orlando area was relatively small and the area he bought up was unused swampland that nobody was interested in at the time. The only reason for the shell companies was to prevent a massive burst of people buying up land specifically to thwart their efforts, or force them to pay an outrageous amount to keep their plans intact.

If Disney hadn't moved in and renovated the area Orlando would not be the place it is today. Florida itself would not have received the ungodly amount of tourist money that is also spent in businesses and properties outside of the parks. And they would still have Dinseyland in California, regardless.

And developers buying large chunks of land is not unusual. The only noteworthy factor at all, is because we know what it grew to be.


Paliag t1_jeb6qny wrote

There is currently a huge trucking/ logistics company trying to buy up thousands of acres in my rural county. There is massive protest against it due to the inevitable increase in semi-truck traffic on local roads.

The logistics company uses “dummy” corporations to buy the land so locals don’t actually know they own it/ how much they have already accumulated. They’ll also transfer the deeds to other “dummy” corporations. Some of the LLCs have pretty funny names. Many are registered in a different state.

This is totally legal and sneaky.


jbazildo t1_jeb925o wrote

Disney reportedly bought 500 acres of land in lapeer Michigan recently. The locals are absolutely convinced that it's for a new Disneyland and all in a frenzy lol


jackmon t1_jebeigq wrote

I've been (only somewhat jokingly) saying this for years. The last few times I went to Disney, I felt like a damned sardine. It wasn't fun. They need to build identical parks adjacent to each other. If your ticket number is odd you go to WDW1. If it's even you go to WDW2. Of course, Disney is making insane profits without having to do this, so there's not real impetus for it unless people stop going due to said sardine-ity killing the fun.


blackopal3746 t1_jebfkhc wrote

I knew of a family who had homestead a property smack in the middle of Florida's Disney World today. They refuse to sell at any price. They were threatened and bullied into submission. They promised to make their lives a living hell in ever way imaginable. Told to me, back in the day.


JustAPerspective t1_jebh7uf wrote

Headline Translation: Rich White Dudes outmaneuvered other Rich White Dudes to claim stolen land.


bradorsomething t1_jebhkwo wrote

I’ve hit that point with the Lightning Pass system. It’s very pay to win, so the park is going to devolve into nouveau riche strutting around as working families sweat in line. I’m done with the mouse, unfortunately.


jbazildo t1_jebjddl wrote

I mean it's not a harsh environment but we have 4 seasons and get snow. Any outdoor amusement parks are seasonal for sure. And 500 acres is a tiny piece of land for a Disney park. So yes you're correct. My comment was more an indictment who heard a rumor that doesn't even make sense and are no freaking out thinking their rural lame area is about to taken over by Disney


DavoTB t1_jebk00s wrote

In our friends’ neighborhood, it is roughly 30-40% empty houses, some of which have been empty for years. The realtors stopped putting signs out front. Some houses got taken over by squatters that hook up the electrical system to generators.


BrownAleRVA t1_jebl7nh wrote

IIRC, this is what happened at his California park. Bunch of non-Disney things popped up all around the area. He wanted his own magic place so he secretly bought up land in Orlando.

After it became known that it was Disney, there still was a rush to buy up property around it but Walt planned on that. The land had a large buffer zone to the actual parks. So anything built around the disney owned land wasnt going to be near anything.


LordUpton t1_jeblh5n wrote

The alternative would be never having stuff like Disney world or corporations lobbying the government for compulsory purchases. People were happy to take their money when offered, it's a bit bullshit to turn around and complain that if you knew that you could hold them hostage that you would have.


Minion_Soldier t1_jebn672 wrote

If we can't build things anywhere in Virginia that could be considered a "historic site", then basically the entire state should be off limits for new construction. And considering the planned Disney site is now subdivisions and data centers, I have doubts the site really had much historic value.


john510runner t1_jebtoq9 wrote

I grew up in Anaheim. Being near a theme park or sports stadium sounds lucrative but it doesn’t always pay off if one lives near those “amenities”. Traffic and crowds rarely help the people living in neighborhoods near traffic and crowds.


GroovyYaYa t1_jebws9t wrote

OH! Another one to add to my arsenal when someone tries to come at me with "I'm not racist, I just think they should stick with the source material" when BIPOC actors and actresses are hired for lead roles.

Like Little Mermaid. SHE WAS A MYTHOLOGICAL FISH. Also, when she got legs and feet - she was in constant pain as part of the price. She also didn't get a Disney HEA - she turned to sea foam!


LizF0311 t1_jec3jlk wrote

Oh. That explains the title of one of the most beautiful and horrible movies ever made.


shotputlover t1_jec857i wrote

You are a fear monger. By that logic airport districts are also puppet governments They aren’t “puppets” they are literally a part of government. They aren’t some crazy bad thing.


BabyTRexArms t1_jecdyxl wrote

That’s just over 40 square miles. Kinda nuts.


controlzone t1_jeceu0k wrote

My family's land was part of this buy out. The story I was told, the dummy corps were based in Jamaica.


proggR t1_jecgv2k wrote

This reminds me of this classic copypasta

> It is actual Muppets canon that Kermit the Frog, in some way, had a role in bringing down the Twin Towers in the terror attacks of September 11, 2001.

> In a Muppets Christmas film released in late 2002, Kermit is shown a glimpse of what New York City might look like if he had never been born. Among the scenery of this alternate reality NYC, we find none other than the Twin Towers proudly standing in the background. They were, of course, long destroyed in Kermit's normal reality. And yet, in the world without Kermit, the war on terror is missing its powder keg spark. Who would've thought that green piece of fuck could kermit a terror attack on US soil, but there it stands unimpeachable... We have concrete, canon proof of involvement. Why the world hasn't stopped and asked further questions is only further proof of a media cabal keeping this conversation away from the masses.

> The Twin Towers would still be standing if it weren't for Kermit the Frog. Al Qaeda was the puppet this time, and Kermit the hand within.


trai_dep t1_jeci4da wrote

Somewhat related, How Disney won the latest battle in Florida governor DeSantis’ culture war.

One of my favorite quotes:

>The agreement limiting the board’s powers is effective for perpetuity or — should that be successfully challenged in court — at least “until 21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, King of England living as of the date of this Declaration.”

Happy reading!


airp0rt t1_jecj24d wrote

Walt Disney was not one to mince words when it came to matters of life and death. As he stood before Gerald Ford, the President of the United States, he made it clear that there was no room for half-measures. "Mr. President," he said, his voice filled with urgency, "we are running out of time. The levees must be strengthened, and they must be strengthened now. Lives are at stake, and we cannot afford to wait any longer."

Ford listened intently, his expression grave. "Walt, I understand your concerns, but the reality is that we are doing everything we can. We have engineers working around the clock, and we are dedicating more resources to this effort than ever before."

But Walt was not satisfied. "With all due respect, Mr. President, 'doing everything we can' is not good enough. We need a real commitment, a real investment in the future of this city. If we don't act now, lives will be lost, and the consequences will be catastrophic. I urge you to think of the people of New Orleans, of their families and their futures. We cannot afford to let them down."

The conversation went on for hours, but in the end, Walt's passion and conviction won out. Ford agreed to dedicate more resources to the levee project, and to work with Disney to ensure that the city was fully prepared for whatever the future might hold. Lives were saved, and the people of New Orleans breathed a little easier, knowing that they had a powerful ally in Walt Disney.


NetDork t1_jecpfim wrote

I also heard that since the land they bought was swampy they let construction companies dump excavated dirt there to fill in.


Careful_Yannu t1_jecvaar wrote

Similar thing happened with Star Wars, during the production of The Empire Strikes Back everyone tried squeezing them for more money. That's why Return of the Jedi was produced under the code name "Blue Harvest".


KikiFlowers t1_jed1730 wrote

Look at what happened to Six Flags New Orleans, after Katrina. The park was underwater for weeks. The initial assessment was that it would be closed for the rest of '06 and through the '07 season. but they then realized the damage was far too significant to fix.

They salvaged what rides they could but most of them are still standing and rotting.


lsjunior t1_jed4kjd wrote

It was more so to keep the tourist traps and cheep motels out of site or at arms length, so to speak. Also, when Orlando sentinel broke the story, it was Disney buying up land the surrounding properties quadrupled in price.


DarthScruf t1_jed4xxu wrote

A hero if you make it, a criminal if you dont.


gk99 t1_jedsfzv wrote

> Maybe in the middle of the country in like Texas or something

Please no, let's get a park somewhere cooler this time around. All the theme parks are in some hot, sweaty location.


PublicSeverance t1_jeeao2s wrote

Yes, that is how you reclaim land in a swamp.

They dig water channels to lower the water table and drain the swamp. They then backfill with whatever solid material they can find and let it compress over a few years. Because it's still a swamp, any organic material quickly rots away, leaving nice fertile soil behind.

Boston harbor was reclaimed with literal trash. The city dumped all it's garbage into man made dikes to back fill and create the land. What is now the highest property prices in New England.


smallz86 t1_jeev4sj wrote

Were you going in peak times?

I went this past 1st of February and it was amazing. Even without fast passes and lightening lanes were never waited more than 30 minutes for a ride.

We stayed at Magic Kingdom until close one night and it was awesome because besides Main Street there weren't that many people in the park.


jackmon t1_jef245w wrote

Last time we went on some random Thursday in mid Feb I think. I grew up close enough to go fairly often back in the 80s and there were crowds. But nothing like it is now. It was literally triggering claustrophobia at times for me. And I don't even mean waiting in lines. That was expectedly horrible. I mean just trying to walk around the park. Like, there was barely any free pedestrian space.


JustAPerspective t1_jeg3k7p wrote

>This discussion is about Disney cheating subsistence farmers out of their homesteads. Try to keep up.

We mentioned rich white dudes who form corporations - your effort to focus a discussion on something irrelevant to the topic appears willful, so it's simple to read the thread & see how full of shit you are. U.S.A., you are.


smallz86 t1_jeghatm wrote

My parents went in Feb of 22 and they said something similar.

But when we were there in Feb of 23 they said it was drastically less crowded. So maybe last year was like COVID hangover vacations?