usernames-are-tricky t1_jbgmc1c wrote
Reply to comment by MyAccountWasBanned7 in TIL that a 26-story skyscraper pig farm was built in China's Hubei province, and has the capacity to slaughter 1.2 million pigs a year. by DukeMaximum
Keep in mind that plant-based meats are not the same thing as vegan options, but even for those the prices are coming down. There's a lot of plant-based foods that are plenty cheaper such as beans, lentils, etc.
It's also worth mentioning that the reason meat is so cheap is because of large amounts of subsidies. Without those, plant-based meats would already be substantially cheaper
MyAccountWasBanned7 t1_jbgqhvs wrote
I can't disagree with any of that. However, like I said, there's other issues than price. I've tried a lot of the meat substitutes (because honestly, I'd love to see less animals killed) and none of them get the flavor AND texture down. Some come close to one or the other, but none hit the mark on both.
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