clarkrd t1_jd6uewc wrote
People of Iceland don't exist?
OorPancake t1_jd6umy0 wrote
Midges invaded Iceland in 2015 and are already proving as much of a nuisance as they are in Scotland.
[deleted] t1_jd6uqws wrote
[deleted] t1_jd6uwa3 wrote
[deleted] t1_jd6vnpd wrote
[deleted] t1_jd6w3cx wrote
HomeAl0ne t1_jd6ww3g wrote
Must be before 2015. There’s a whole region of Iceland called Mývatn that translates as ‘midge’.
OorPancake t1_jd6xku8 wrote
That's true, but according to the Iceland Monitor they've had a problem since 2015.
I was surprised myself that they weren't seen as a problem before. (Maybe a different not so bitey species?)
-edit- That's what it is, the native species are non biting midges.
windythought34 t1_jd6yuyf wrote
Wait a couple years.
kudichangedlives t1_jd6zbwx wrote
Are you saying that you could probably extort the entire country of Iceland with a U-Haul and some mosquitos?
sandyknuckles t1_jd71pz4 wrote
Cultural erasure smh
sandyknuckles t1_jd71t3z wrote
Your plan is to extort a country full of gentleman who look like The Mountain from Game of Thrones?
kudichangedlives t1_jd71u7w wrote
Dead man's switch
sandyknuckles t1_jd721rc wrote
But then you don’t get to enjoy the fruits of your extortion
UniqueMcPanda t1_jd729jk wrote
Not Yet
kudichangedlives t1_jd72c2z wrote
Well I do if the people in Iceland aren't idiotic. If they kill me then the mosquitoes get released, if they arrest me the mosquitos get released.
The tricky part is getting 3 U-Haul's full of mosquitoes into Iceland
sandyknuckles t1_jd72prg wrote
Mosquitos breed like a mf bro in all honesty you probably only need a shoebox full and it’s game over for the gentle giants of Iceland. Best of luck with it tho, I wish you all the best at causing an epidemic.
_Dnikeb t1_jd72px1 wrote
The most common explanation for why there are no mosquitoes in Iceland is that the frequent freezing-thawing cycles kill off mosquito brood by not giving it enough time to develop between frosts. But that doesn't explain why other insects with much longer life cycles, such as wasps, manage to thrive.
p-d-ball t1_jd72ye7 wrote
You've convinced me and the VC I work for. Where do we invest???
kudichangedlives t1_jd73a1g wrote
Ya but 4 U-Haul trucks are more ominous
You mean you wish me the best of luck in moving everything in the national museum of Iceland to an undisclosed location. Thank you!
kudichangedlives t1_jd73jb4 wrote
It's a very cheap plan and we are welcome to investors, the only entry requirement is that you provide information on your base of operations and a list of invasive species that would be detrimental to the local ecosystem and population, so we can help protect our partners from invasive species that is.
p-d-ball t1_jd73mpb wrote
And that's it. That's how we started Invaso-terrorists, uh, I mean InvasoInvestment Group.
kudichangedlives t1_jd747gk wrote
Hey, I just want to steal everything in Iceland's history museum and put it all on South Georgia island with some sort of nuclear deterrent to moving it off of South Georgia island.
If I have to release a hoard of rabid Spidermen to do it, then by god we're getting radioactive spiders
kudichangedlives t1_jd74in1 wrote
They don't have them yet
kudichangedlives t1_jd750he wrote
Crepuscular_Animal t1_jd77ry6 wrote
Shut your bot mouth, bot.
LipTrev t1_jd78u3w wrote
Nuisance is kind of lightweight word for what mosquitoes have done to them human race.
It is claimed that malaria has killed half of all humans who ever lived.
ElDoo74 t1_jd7bdam wrote
TIL that people don't exist in Iceland.
flaminate_strutching t1_jd7cc6h wrote
Those black flies they have are pretty relentless and awful, though.
Artiquecircle t1_jd7edga wrote
Boy were they in for a shock when emigrating to ‘New Iceland’ in the 1800’s. Mosquito population: infinate.
NetDork t1_jd7f4n1 wrote
The is one mosquito in Iceland. It's in a museum.
RangerRick379 t1_jd7f7v8 wrote
Ok_Roof5387 t1_jd7islp wrote
They will soon enough.
Altaira99 t1_jd7ljt4 wrote
Europeans brought mosquitos to Hawaii.
[deleted] t1_jd7lnoq wrote
Tomato8442 t1_jd7lw7f wrote
Challenge accepted!
SyndrFox t1_jd7p4vm wrote
they’re the WORST
they get in your eyes, nose, ears
they don’t give a fuck haha
Prof-Birch-Tree t1_jd7rkum wrote
And I brought your mom to Paris
FatherOften t1_jd7sa7c wrote
Good on you Iceland! Here in Texas the mosquitoes have already come out.
erlend65 t1_jd7v2t1 wrote
No mosquitoes but no McDonald's.
The pros and cons of Iceland...
Nathe-01 t1_jd7vg0d wrote
There are no mosquitoes in Ba Sing Se
[deleted] t1_jd7y3x7 wrote
Waldorama t1_jd83qff wrote
Sounds like to Pros to me.
Ugo777777 t1_jd83yl2 wrote
Maybe he also learned today that mosquitoes can be a nuisance.
seething_with_class t1_jd89d0u wrote
Headcanon: the Icelandic elves and Yule Lads fill that ecological niche
Nutsnboldt t1_jd89i0y wrote
TIL: Mosquitoes don’t exist in Iceland.
Things I didn’t learn to day: Mosquitoes can be a nuisance.
gasman245 t1_jd8le5x wrote
Yep, mosquitos are the deadliest animal on the planet for humans.
digbickreadthatwrong t1_jd8qpse wrote
DarthLysergis t1_jd8vp5j wrote
I'm sure they exist in AZ, but I lived in Phoenix for 4 years and never saw a mosquito.
AndiLivia t1_jd91jo8 wrote
They've had it too good for too long. Let's bring mosquitos to iceland.
OorPancake t1_jd97jst wrote
To be fair, he linked an article from 2017 and they probably didn't know what they'd contracted could be almost as bad as mosquitoes at the time.
TeHHaMMeR19 t1_jd9d5yb wrote
Serg_is_Legend t1_jd9f7n2 wrote
Oh man I’d totally move there if my girl didn’t have the most aggressive case of Raynaud’s syndrome I’ve ever seen
[deleted] t1_jd9ilve wrote
ArOnodrim t1_jd9vksr wrote
AnthillOmbudsman t1_jda1p1x wrote
Well, wait until they get a damaged shipping container from Miami that's caved in and shit has been breeding inside.
Texas got tiger mosquitos (a larger and more annoying variety) in 1985 from tires brought into Houston from Hong Kong. They're all over the state now.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_jda244b wrote
Sportacus puts a stop to Robbie Rotten's latest nefarious plan.
lurker12346 t1_jda50t2 wrote
Well they can be a nuisance for them if they go to a place with mosquitos
[deleted] t1_jdaoy7u wrote
SEA2COLA t1_jdb944d wrote
Try Seattle. We don't have mosquitos either. I forgot why, has something to do with our soil, but I've been here 32 years and only remember being bitten once.
TheStoneMask t1_jdetqv2 wrote
Biting midges have been in Iceland for a long time. This article from 2000 (in Icelandic) mentions 4 species of biting midges, 1 of which preys on mammals, including humans.
In 2015, a new species of biting midges appeared and started spreading through South and West, and that species turned out to be much more aggressive, and also much smaller than the native species, meaning it can get through the bug nets over the windows and bite people in their sleep.
Reports of excessive midge bites became much more prevalent following this new species, which is why that "problem" dates to that year, although biting midges are not new.
OorPancake t1_jdeua0h wrote
That's what happens when you start direct flights from Glasgow to Reykjavik. :)
Quatsch95 t1_jd6u7ne wrote
Lucky them