BeachedBottlenose t1_iqyw5wl wrote
AnthillOmbudsman t1_iqywsjo wrote
We had joy, we had fun, we went streaking in the sun
But the cops drew their guns, and they shot us in the buns
backupKDC6794 t1_iqyy4cv wrote
Nirvana's cover of this is hauntingly beautiful
Sqweegy-Nobbers t1_iqz41ms wrote
My God. We grew up in the Midwest singing that.
FarceMultiplier OP t1_iqz8x0e wrote
It my elementary school it was something like (I don't remember exactly, it was the 70s):
We had Joy, she was fun, as we did her up the bum
But the thrill wasn't long, 'cause we did it very wrong
ConradBHart42 t1_iqz9ras wrote
So there I was in a brothel in tangiers, and Motley Crue was refusing to go on stage unless we could find a little person with one eye...
but that is a story for another time...
ral315 t1_iqzdxst wrote
I thought it was about a fuckin' dog dying.
nevm t1_iqzko8c wrote
We had joy we had fun picking bogies in the sun but the sun got too hot so it all turned into snot.
Uk version.
CymbaltaAddict t1_iqznwtc wrote
I actully like that song, i remember when it came out 1973/74
Cho42 t1_iqzq9nf wrote
All your weed is broooown (weed is brown), and your dealer’s gay (and your dealer’s gaaaaaAAAY!).
fatnortherngit t1_iqzst5x wrote
Written by Jaques Brel, a great singer songwriter of North African origin who was brought up in Scharbeek Brussels. He rose to fame in Paris with the great artists of the day.
He wrote a lot of songs, many of these were used by other artists with great success.
A bloke I know (a big cheese in the music biz) reckons about ten percent of his favourite modern songs either came directly from, or were heavily influenced by this great man.
To see Brel at his best seek out a video of him singing 'Amsterdam' live in Bruges. It's in (heavily accented) French but you don't need to speak the language to get it.
res30stupid t1_iqzxei8 wrote
This is one of those songs where I heard a cover version first and instantly recognise it, but consider the original to be lacking in comparison. Does anyone else experience this?
Bellsar_Ringing t1_ir034j4 wrote
I always assumed it was a song about an old drunk dying. "It was fun, but then I poisoned my liver" kind of thing.
CC_Andyman t1_ir076id wrote
I think we need to talk about the B-side, "Put The Bone In"... wow, what a title. XD
FarceMultiplier OP t1_ir0ka1j wrote
And an absolutely awful song.
BaconReceptacle t1_ir0rpr6 wrote
I was only about 7 or so when I was often playing the 45 RPM of "Seasons in the Sun". I think I probably listened to the B-side twice and even as a young child I was thinking "what a piece of shit that is".
Seriously, was he thinking it was a comedy, tragedy, beer hall song? And to think he probably has other songs that "werent good enough" for the B-side.
IMTrick t1_ir1mlba wrote
That's the B-Side, actually (Side B, "Put the Bone In," is actually about a dead dog, and not the audio porn you might assume from the title).
IMTrick t1_ir1mudv wrote
As far as song about dead dogs go, I'd say it's probably one of the best.
RTK4740 t1_irevytf wrote
Oh my gosh, that clip was a lot of fun. Thank you for posting!
mmss t1_irtclmr wrote
That's a deep WW2 reference
tamsterx t1_iqyvllt wrote
Jacks rewrote the lyrics to be from the perspective of a dying man saying good bye to his loved ones.