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SugarZoo t1_ir12587 wrote

I wanna see it work.


Malkyre t1_ir18qvq wrote

They were hoping for widespread application in 5 years. This article is from 2004. Sontra Medical changed their name to Echo Therapeutics in 2007. They stopped filing with the SEC in 2016, and were removed from trading in 2021 for failure to respond to their deliquency. Their website on their own LinkedIn gives a DNS error. I don't think things have gone well for them.


DukeMikeIII t1_ir1ar9l wrote

Hypospray from star trek is getting closer


Muduku t1_ir1enn3 wrote

Read rectum electrode at first glance. Made me think of the diagnostic device from Idiocracy


MuckRaker83 t1_ir1hbe6 wrote

Sonophoresis and it's cousin iontophoresis have been around for decades. We learn technique and application in PT school.


Uncle_Budy t1_ir2wpl4 wrote

So for about 24 hours, your skin is permeable to any liquid it comes in contact with? Sounds significantly less convenient than a small needle.


ArtSpeaker t1_ir4ihwj wrote

Uh. So most meds are daily. Your skin is permeable for 24 hours.... which means what, you expose your own organs to the rain? To your own sweat? If your skin is permeable and you soak... are you wrecking your skin?... all day everyday?

Clearly I don't know the details, but that feels like a solution that is much worse than the problem.


likehots t1_ir4t5qi wrote

And an infection soon follows.