dumbleydore94 t1_iuiiuxb wrote
If you've never had one (god forbid multiple) you'd understand. There should be a colored ribbon for hemorrhoid awareness.
Geofferz t1_iuio2so wrote
They're making a joke that there's a company who promotes hemmeroids. Instead of hemmeroids cream.
cardboardunderwear t1_iujerb6 wrote
if youโre putting food on your table by selling hemorrhoid cream then itโs in your best interest to promote both isnโt it
Geofferz t1_iujf7as wrote
Spot the marketing exec!
leopard_tights t1_iujz0cd wrote
The first time I had one I almost fainted on the way to the toilet.
I then remembered a commercial about one of these creams that pictured a lady sitting in a red hot cooking mesh coil. People in those commercials really undersell how bad it can be. I've been several times without moving from bed because of it. On the other hand when I applied the cream I experimented instant relief, and I mean instant. It felt like magic.
dumbleydore94 t1_iuiin5a wrote
Hemorrhoids feel more like someone's shoving a cactus up your butt, or like someone's driving a very large screw up your butt.
Personally as someone with hemorrhoids, I'd have laughed so hard at a commercial like that, it'd hurt my ass, it'd be absolutely hilarious.
jmoney6 OP t1_iuijbji wrote
Would you laugh your ass off at it?
foul_ol_ron t1_iujeor2 wrote
Ah, but would it hurt enough that you'd race to the shop to buy the haemorrhoid cream? If so, it's successful marketing!
dumbleydore94 t1_iujpqso wrote
Honestly? Yeah, laughing hurts like hell.
samx3i t1_iuif577 wrote
The lyrics are fucked up if we're using "ring of fire" as a metaphor for an inflamed asshole:
>Love is a burning thing
>And it makes a fiery ring
>Bound by wild desire
>I fell into a ring of fire
>I fell into a burning ring of fire
>I went down, down, down
>And the flames went higher
>And it burns, burns, burns
>The ring of fire
>The ring of fire
KiaPe t1_iujeoo8 wrote
> if we're using "ring of fire" as a metaphor for an inflamed asshole
Why'd you drag Elon Musk into this conversation?
RedSonGamble t1_iujexw8 wrote
To go down into an asshole wouldnโt the person need to be upside down?
samfreez t1_iuif3ty wrote
As long as you don't pay attention to the lyrics, it makes sense. If you do, however......
>Love is a burning thing
>And it makes a fiery ring
>Bound by wild desire
>I fell into a ring of fire
>I fell into a burning ring of fire
>I went down, down, down
>And the flames went higher
>And it burns, burns, burns
>The ring of fire
>The ring of fire
Philboyd_Studge t1_iuipu5q wrote
Edit: sorry, all the hemorrhoid jokes come in a little later in the show
z7q2 t1_iujld1p wrote
Came here to reference this, gave you the updoot you deserve.
Philboyd_Studge t1_iujppe2 wrote
I'll give some background, Zappa was doing a show in 1988 and Johnny Cash was supposed to show up and play Ring of Fire with them, but his wife got sick and he couldn't make it. They did the song anyway, and then the rest of the night the whole band threw out different ring of fire/hemorrhoid jokes into several other songs.
[deleted] t1_iujyqq5 wrote
BartholomewBandy t1_iujrweb wrote
Exactly what kind of ring of fire are we talking about?
[deleted] t1_iuifdiz wrote
NightSail t1_iuj3zlr wrote
This brought up a memory!
Spoof by the Laryngospasms:
jmoney6 OP t1_iujdlkf wrote
My doctor stuck a finger in my ring of fire
3971_KTL t1_iuikxj7 wrote
Am I misremembering or wasn't it in a Pepto commercial?
jmoney6 OP t1_iuinmr4 wrote
SwallowYourDreams t1_iuiln15 wrote
Incorrect usage. It's the right song for chili commercials, not hemorrhoids.
ChrisDNorris t1_iujizyi wrote
Vindaloo Super Noodles.
With a dude who looks very much like Stuart from Big Bang.
Dr-Retz t1_iujqias wrote
AnabolicCheesecake t1_iuipxo3 wrote
I used to work with a guy who would sing all day long. Every time he sang Ring of Fire he would mention this fact and that he refused
HPmoni t1_iuirjpp wrote
It was in a Burger King commercial, so it was both ends.
80burritospersecond t1_iuiwrcr wrote
I'm pretty sure Springsteen wrote Cover Me with intentions of selling it to an insurance company later on.
LipTrev t1_iuje8ok wrote
Wall of Voodoo cover of Ring of Fire:
This cover set them on their path of synth music for Westerns culminating in Call of the West, a brilliant album, most popularly know for Mexican Radio.
Mexican Radio:
But the most inspired song on the album is the title track closing the album
Brilliant, brilliant music.
iceyed913 t1_iuieuw0 wrote
Never knew that hemorrhoids had a marketing team.. what about the cold sores?