q_t_puella t1_iuct6bq wrote
3860 meter swim, i cant even float o-o
Dramatic_Break t1_iud6gcx wrote
It’s kind of cool that Yoda popped in to post this!
SaintLikeLaurent t1_iud92rw wrote
No fcking way
kala-surtaj t1_iud9uzm wrote
And she won.
s/ no wiki entries for geriatric losers.
Landlubber77 t1_iudcp7d wrote
Winning, just like losing, is a habit.
Spiritual_Meaning321 t1_iudn1h0 wrote
I can't do at 19 what she did at 82. Brilliant
SEND_PUNS_PLZ t1_iue1rro wrote
Ever since I lost my job shit like this reminds me that iron nun
JofoTheDingoKeeper t1_iue6kuh wrote
She must have the body of Christ.
KingOftheDumbFucks t1_iuem7n7 wrote
You finished the oldest woman in a triathlon? Kinky
ninjas_in_my_pants t1_iugo43p wrote
The Iron Nun could be an interesting pro wrestling character.
MacRubys t1_iucs8tm wrote
Well that was an inspirational read.