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Breakdawall t1_itagu3q wrote

>Lasorda was known to have kind of a short temper during his long and successful managerial career. In fact, one of his most famous moments was when he full-out attacked the Phillie Phanatic.

Bruh, you messed with Philly how did you not get hurt by fans?


UYScutiPuffJr t1_itahoka wrote

Fans nothing, the Philly mascots are the concept of chaos and violence manifested into fat bellies and crazy eyes. They’ll shank you and leave you in a ditch like a hitchhiking robot.


BrokenEye3 t1_itaneh9 wrote

Don't be ridiculous. How could a ditch possibly resemble a hitchhiking robot?


Useless_Lemon t1_itjmbgb wrote

How about a ditch of Robots, instead? Like the one in Detroit Become Human. Lol