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[deleted] t1_iu1xy4r wrote



[deleted] t1_iu21o8f wrote



[deleted] t1_iu28uwb wrote



aboysmokingintherain t1_iu29yzg wrote

I’m kinda curious what books Dems encourage to ban? And I’m not saying “oh a boycott of tucker Carlson’s book” I mean a literal banning from a library


-BlueDream- t1_iu2kait wrote

Some democrats will try and ban media that is older and deemed racist or not inclusive to everyone…I’m generally left leaning but I think it’s bullshit. They focus too much on cancel culture and being tolerant towards everyone (like that one dr Seuss book nobody read), even for media made years ago while ignoring actual social issues like wealth inequality.


Dawnawaken92 t1_iu4s1gb wrote

Exactly. Couldn't have said it better. Those downvoting us are sheeple


[deleted] t1_iu2aet8 wrote



aboysmokingintherain t1_iu2av6r wrote

Yeah i was talking more books. Twitter is a platform and a private business. You can't really expect them to play the rules of society bc they can ban you no matter what.


[deleted] t1_iu2c4jo wrote



[deleted] t1_iu2dycv wrote



aboysmokingintherain t1_iu2hk69 wrote

So they have to buy them? That’s still influencing what kids can consume. No kid can probably buy a book without their parents. So if it’s a book your parent may get mad at you’re fucked


Dawnawaken92 t1_iu4s8oj wrote

Someone's never been to a used book store. And if your polite enough. They might just give it to you.


aboysmokingintherain t1_iu5eri3 wrote

But you’re missing my message. Most kids get books from a library. Used bookstores don’t always have the books you want. And if you’re just browsing you’re not gonna find the books in question…


PhillyTaco t1_iu2uzh2 wrote

I'm skeptical there's a single person who became racist after reading a novel.
