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TSAOutreachTeam t1_iu2dve3 wrote

Contractors say the darnedest things.


rebug t1_iu2jz2q wrote

All those nails and screws I dropped all over your property while building your deck are anti-ninja spikes. You'll thank me later.


Khourieat t1_iu4043d wrote

Oh, so they ALL do this then?!


mx3goose t1_iu4h3ma wrote

I can still find roofing nails from a job done two years ago around the base of my house no matter how many I pick up.


FireMonkeysHead t1_iu4m8oc wrote

I have a very strong magnet I attached to the end of a wooden board and it’s simultaneously satisfying and terrifying at how many nails and bits of metal I can pick up in the same spot


pilesofcleanlaundry t1_iu4trig wrote

In fact, the squeaky floors aren’t in the original scope, so you owe me extra for the security features.