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tomveiltomveil t1_iujpgu7 wrote

If you keep researching, you'll find this was far from the only such device. There was a bit of a boom market in the 1700s/1800s based around the idea of replacing self-control with little torture devices.


artisnotsubjective t1_iujqn35 wrote

Question about all such devices: did they also tie/handcuff the boys' hands behind their backs to stop them from REMOVING the contraption?


EndoExo t1_iujslj0 wrote

"Nightfall" sounds so much cooler than "wet dream".


APiousCultist t1_iujt4g4 wrote

TIL wet dreams were called 'nightfall' for some reason. Makes for a confusing headline.


qpwoeor1235 t1_iujutp7 wrote

I just call that a good Thursday night


CassandraAnderson t1_iujz690 wrote

Sounds like the same shit that happened in Old Testament Army Camps where people were meant to be shamed and shunned about the fact that they had both biological urges and physical reactions that manifested into shame rituals and bathing rituals.


Bmc00 t1_iuk0exe wrote

Nightfall is a great band name.