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APM1485 t1_is8yiqt wrote

I knew a girl this happened to. It nearly killed her and almost ended any chance she had of having children. She ended up getting addicted to opioids during her injuries and then was awarded over $600,000 in a lawsuit and it took her under a year to blow it all on drugs


Metallic_Hedgehog t1_is923fu wrote

She spent over $1650 a day on opioids and didn't die.

Don't believe everything you read on Reddit, kids.


APM1485 t1_is992ur wrote

It’s almost as if there’s many other things like rent and food and cars and parties and lawyer costs that could also contribute to the loss of money


2Years2Go t1_is93zmz wrote

Yeah in particular heroin is pretty darn cheap. I would have a very hard time believing she blew through that much that fast.


Themell t1_is9wa0j wrote

They buy four wheelers and take vacations too lol