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marmorset t1_iuff3hn wrote

I've seen no redlining. Most [of] my clients are non-white and they never have trouble getting mortgages or buying into specific neighborhoods. I see (non-white) people almost exclusively want to live with people like them.

If you run a small business nepotism makes sense, if that fails you've lose everything. Hiring relatives and people you know isn't to excludes others, it's to hire people you trust.

Although LBJ's Great Society didn't help, I don't blame either side for disruption of the black family, the rates of unwed mothers, for all races, shoots up immediately after abortion and contraception become legalized. Although it freed up women from being forced into marriages to avoid social stigma, it also allowed women to have children without being forced into marriage. It's not clear why blacks were more affected.

Unlike fentanyl and oxycontin, crack was a big city problem, it wasn't nationwide. New York, Newark, and Philadelphia were hit hardest by crack. It wasn't that black people were more likely to use crack, it's that people in big cities were the ones affected by crack, and that's where most black people tend to live.

While it's true black people in the past had a difficult time accumulating wealth due to government policies, those policies aren't in effect anymore and immigrants have no trouble accumulating wealth. I see it everyday, poor immigrant grandparents, parents go to college, their kids grow up in the suburbs.

I'm mixed race but look white, grew up in a black neighborhood, in a broken home, with a mentally ill mother, on welfare, and lived in the projects. Any kid who did well in school got good grades or "talked white" was relentlessly bullied, regardless of race. And since it was a majority black neighborhood and a majority black school, that meant mostly black kids. I don't know why that started and you can blame Nixon or Clinton, but black people have destroyed the lives of more black people than any government program or supposed racist conspiracy. Even today black men shoot other black men at incredible rates. I don't know the solution, but blaming the problem on racist whites in the 1950s is nonsense.


bernardhayse t1_iufg8qa wrote

You dont blame any fuckin side? Theres literally audio of John Erhlichman talking about disrupting the hippie and black communities with heavy handed drug policies. Like there's no debate about their intentions so idk why you're trying here.

Black people were absolutely more likely to be caught in possession of crack because their communities were heavily policed by design. Go google this shit. Wtf? And being denied homes hurt their wealth, you know what's easier to get than coke when you're poor?

The fact that you deny the existence of redlining is hilarious. I'm done with this convo.