FreneticPlatypus t1_isv7b8k wrote
And it feels like days fly by here on Earth.
SomeROCDude21 t1_isv7yf2 wrote
I first saw this in Buffalo, everything makes sense now!
commdesart t1_isvamlh wrote
I went to school with a kid that had ADHD that could do that.
bstowers t1_isvc4tf wrote
You should read Dragon's Egg.
frictorious t1_isvhxcn wrote
That's so wild
frowningpurplesun t1_isvlb1w wrote
how loud is it?
ghidfg t1_isvlcyp wrote
Frosty_404 t1_isvp1wy wrote
Compared to the size of the universe even light is slow.
-PunsWithScissors- t1_isvvrbg wrote
That’s crazy, a real life test bed for lorentz contractions (as they relate to spinning objects). Not to mention other strange gravitational anomalies from an object with such mass spinning at that speed.
Turtlehead88 t1_isvvvyh wrote
Not quite as loud as you passing a kidney stone.
HucklecatDontCare t1_isvvw8w wrote
The universe has some really weird shit in it. its hard to even comprehend most of it. And there might be even weirder shit that we havent even seen like Quark Stars which are basically even more compressed Neutron Stars.
frowningpurplesun t1_isvw38l wrote
not nearly as bright neither
Tressemy t1_isvxadl wrote
How was the diameter measured? I would assume it is a LONG ways away, and that seems like a small distance to measure from here.
heckdditor t1_isw1r5q wrote
wild is my turtle walking by my yard. this is fucking nuts.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_isw998l wrote
You could make some crazy designs drawing on that star with a marker while it rotates under the pen.
THeShinyHObbiest t1_iswb9vf wrote
I believe you can estimate the size of neutron stars very accurately by their power output.
stfuandgovegan t1_iswjbym wrote
Who the fuck figured that out?
BobBelcher2021 t1_iswm2vm wrote
Makes sense, with the area code there
TheDrunkyBrewster t1_isww36e wrote
Right?! Like, slow down star. What's your rush?
TheDrunkyBrewster t1_isww4x6 wrote
Classic, Kyle.
TheDrunkyBrewster t1_isww7ln wrote
Yeah, how'd they count that?
dark_hypernova t1_isx42ob wrote
The concept of neutron stars and encountering them in Elite Dangerous freak me the fuck out.
MuchAndMore t1_isy2e3k wrote
Nuts are the almonds I'm eating with lunch. This is just crazy.
SuperSimpleSam t1_isydlop wrote
It tucked in too much.
indyjumper t1_isykky1 wrote
Crazy is heath ledger’s joker. This is ludicrous
[deleted] t1_isylx1a wrote
Qwez81 t1_isyqp13 wrote
Insane is just doing the same thing and expecting different results. This is just absurd.
[deleted] t1_isysg40 wrote
stater354 t1_isznxqw wrote This is the research paper
blakerabbit t1_it1gs0a wrote
But that only rotated about 5 times a second
Omgporkchop t1_itq4n09 wrote
Insane is just a posse of clowns. This is bizarre!
shallowblue OP t1_isv65eo wrote
Some more wild facts about it: