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shallowblue OP t1_isv65eo wrote

Some more wild facts about it:

  • the star has twice the mass of the sun but is only 32km across
  • at its equator, the surface is moving at ~24% of lightspeed (over 70,000 km/sec)

Borugak t1_isv6bbz wrote

Space is terrifyingly beautiful.


gravi-tea t1_isv6uoz wrote

That's absolutely absurd.


SomeROCDude21 t1_isv7yf2 wrote

I first saw this in Buffalo, everything makes sense now!


commdesart t1_isvamlh wrote

I went to school with a kid that had ADHD that could do that.


rangeo t1_isvcpvx wrote

We are so tiny and slow ....but we try


-PunsWithScissors- t1_isvvrbg wrote

That’s crazy, a real life test bed for lorentz contractions (as they relate to spinning objects). Not to mention other strange gravitational anomalies from an object with such mass spinning at that speed.


HucklecatDontCare t1_isvvw8w wrote

The universe has some really weird shit in it. its hard to even comprehend most of it. And there might be even weirder shit that we havent even seen like Quark Stars which are basically even more compressed Neutron Stars.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_isw998l wrote

You could make some crazy designs drawing on that star with a marker while it rotates under the pen.


fropleyqk t1_isws36e wrote

The amount of rotations of this star is too damn high!


dark_hypernova t1_isx42ob wrote

The concept of neutron stars and encountering them in Elite Dangerous freak me the fuck out.