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Hellsbellsbeans t1_isdtbvt wrote

That's actually a myth. He was an average hight for the period (5.6). He was called the Little General as an insult to his low birth, but the aristos didn't laugh for long lol.


g0mjabbar27 t1_isdv63x wrote

I believe it was also due to differences in the French and English measuring systems


aqlu t1_isdwqx0 wrote

You're only 2 meters? Well, I'm 5 freedom units. Take that metric system!


WalkingCastle t1_isdwskr wrote

That’s what happens when you have your own measuring system, invent the Imperial system and don’t use it, and then convert it all to the metric system anyway except for weight. How good at keeping track do you think they were before all that?


UnlawfulStupid t1_ise7c0r wrote

Wasn't it (also?) because his personal guards were all chosen due to their large sizes, so he looked small by comparison? Or is that another myth?