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chrisco125 t1_isds380 wrote

It probably fit Napoleon though. He was tiny


kthulhu666 t1_isdv0e0 wrote

Fortunately the following pope, Zippy, made good use of it.


Specialist_Shine_298 t1_isdvuvb wrote

Pope Benedict XV had the tiara's jewels removed and replaced by replicas made of coloured glass. The jewels were sold to raise money for the victims of the First World War.


WalkingCastle t1_isdwskr wrote

Thatā€™s what happens when you have your own measuring system, invent the Imperial system and donā€™t use it, and then convert it all to the metric system anyway except for weight. How good at keeping track do you think they were before all that?


mathmanmathman t1_ise0ce2 wrote

This was directly above in my feed and I misread Napoleon as Nintendo. Wild few seconds there.


mets2016 t1_ise7uam wrote

People must've had some really whack ideas of what was insulting back then


santtu_ t1_isewtgm wrote

I would someone would so this kind of boss move on me. I'd be devastated, of course, crying all the way to the jeweller.


Rosebunse t1_isex2bo wrote

So...I should use it as a table ornament?


Tru-Queer t1_isf778e wrote

Hey, so, you like singing and we like the sound of your voice so if youā€™ll just turn your head and cough, weā€™ll just snip these right off and get back to worshipping Jesus


substantial-freud t1_isfb1d4 wrote

If anyone feels like insulting me by sending me 8kg of gold and jewels, go right ahead.


kharjou t1_isfg6gi wrote

Napoleon, your mother was a hamster and your father smelt Of elderberries.


Inner-Historian-597 t1_isfgcm1 wrote

Get some help lol anyways you have the last word there Mr Champion.


Inner-Historian-597 t1_isfimk5 wrote

Man id knock u out if i saw you. God bless the internet šŸ™


tryingtodefendhim t1_isfnxek wrote

ā€œHere is the jeweled crown you orderedā€

ā€œItā€™s total shite, canā€™t wear this garbage, throw i- On second thoughtā€¦.ā€ -Napoleon probably


mcjc94 t1_isfr9lf wrote

It's good that Napoleon improved his insulting methods when he got in that Epic Rap Battles of History video


OriginalSprax t1_isfreho wrote

ā€œ oh no I have been insultedā€œ I proclaim dramatically as I happy put it on the shelf with other collections


Tihar90 t1_isg0rm4 wrote

If you're interested in rare insults giving a white elephant in Siam was actually an insult in disguise.

While honored and almost sacred a white elephant would be a burden because of how much it would eat, all the while being incapable of working under the sun given it's albinos skin.

The equivalent of being given a tank that can't fire but can't be turned off either


Johannes_P t1_isgyssj wrote

Funnier fact: the decade before, during the Wars of the Coalition, he invaded the Papal States and asked them a so high ransom they had to remove the gems of the previous papal tiaras.


RBoylson1028 t1_isgz2ba wrote

*Correction: A rogue, Austrian bishop (Alois Hudal) helped Nazis hide and escape to South America, and eventually left the Church when he was discovered and was told he would be dismissed. He was then banned from Rome by Pope Pius XII (who wrote an encyclical condemning Nazism).

The Vatican, in fact, issued false baptismal certificates for tens of thousands of European Jews to save them from the Holocaust.


essdii- t1_ish3svf wrote

I know for a fact my great great great great great great grandparents are in heaven because my great great great great great grandparents bought them golden tickets from the church!! Can you believe it?!? Man. They got a get out of hell free card


RBoylson1028 t1_ish84t7 wrote

Mhm. Sounds very credible.

Well I would love to "learn" more about these alleged Vatican-endorsed ratlines. But you can't seem to provide any kind of source or evidence to support your claims.


RBoylson1028 t1_ish9rp2 wrote

That article mentions nothing at all about the Vatican being involved. But if you had taken the time to read it, you would have found a link to Alois Hudal's bio, which states the following:

>"When, in 1937, Hudal published his book on the foundations of Nazism, Church authorities were upset because of his deviation from Church policy and teachings. Hudal, without mentioning names, had openly questioned the Vatican policy of Pope Pius XI and Eugenio Pacelli towards Nazism, which culminated in the encyclical Mit brennender Sorge, in which the Vatican openly attacked National Socialism."

>"In January 1952, the Bishop of Salzburg told Hudal that the Holy See wanted to dismiss him. In June, Hudal announced to the cardinal protector of Santa Maria dell'Anima that he had decided to leave the college, disapproving of what he viewed as the Church's governance by the Allies."

>"After he was banned from Rome by Pius XII, Hudal withdrew to his residence in Grottaferrata, embittered towards Pius XII."


GoombaPizza t1_ishdohc wrote

Thank you. I'm no fan of religion and we all know the Catholic church has been corrupt in 50 million different ways, but I will not stand for this particular slander of them. They were the good guys during WWII, an active and invaluable part of the resistance.


RBoylson1028 t1_ishesnt wrote

Definitely. As a Catholic, I can acknowledge plenty of actual wrongdoings in the Church's history. So honestly I'm mostly annoyed that he felt the need to make something up.

There's so much valid material to choose from if you really wanna hate on the Church.


RevanTheDemon t1_ishlkvi wrote

Oh it's worse than hiding. Actively enabling, abetting, and recalling them to The Vatican, which is a Sovereign State, to avoid prosecution when they're discovered.

Pope Francis is the PR Pope, yet has done very little to actually change how they handle the child rape problems outside of "Stern warnings".


HunterRoze t1_ishq4ya wrote

Right, but there were how many of those on the planet at the time? This seems like the ultimate "baller" move - to say, I have so much money I can afford to blow it on this huge gaudy thing not fitted to be worn and far too heavy to be comfortable. But I so much money to me, I can do it as a "fuck you".


DissociatedNewt t1_ishwzt9 wrote

Thatā€™s fair, but when the baller is also your head of state, one could consider it an expensive diplomatic gesture. It probably boosted the nationā€™s morale, especially since Napoleonā€™s reign was basically a ā€œfuck youā€ to the feudalistic status quo.


ItsSpeltWithaC t1_isi4blk wrote

A lot of the bad guys, were good guys during WWII


Specific_Success_875 OP t1_isi5x64 wrote

It basically is nothing nowadays. Back then a gift costing 179,800 francs is a "fuck you" only affordable by someone as rich and powerful as the Emperor of France.

Nowadays any ruler of a minor country can throw that kind of money around. heck any CEO of a medium-sized company has that kind of money.

The weird thing about inflation is that the amount of wealth in the world has gone up by a lot more than the cost of goods. Looking at luxury items from centuries ago is crazy because a lot of them aren't that expensive when adjusted for inflation.


Colespock t1_isi7r17 wrote

Itā€™s very late here, I read that as ā€˜nickelodeonā€™. Lol