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FreneticPlatypus t1_iseoupf wrote

Are these types of stunts/attacks done just to increase the chances of their message being heard or do people target specific works of art because they somehow relate to their message?


Minuted t1_iseq80m wrote

> In a statement to the Women's Social and Political Union shortly afterwards, Richardson explained, "I have tried to destroy the picture of the most beautiful woman in mythological history as a protest against the Government for destroying Mrs. Pankhurst, who is the most beautiful character in modern history."[63][65]


turbo_gh0st t1_ises2rr wrote

TIL this wasn't worth posting


DarkLinkDs t1_isexeyv wrote

The real TIL here is that the chief restorer was damn good at his job apparently


1945BestYear t1_isfctdm wrote

Why not act like a criminal if your country won't treat you like a citizen?


heryopl t1_ishfztx wrote

She should take that cleaver back to the kitchen.


DeathStarJedi t1_isp6z22 wrote

She added in a 1952 interview that she did not like "the way men visitors gaped at it all day long".

Def caught her husband up in that museum one too many times