Turd_Ferguss0n t1_it5aop9 wrote
Ahh I see what they did there!
pookshuman t1_it5ar6m wrote
yeah, he was so inspired he stole a bunch of it
Sturmundsterne t1_it5aya2 wrote
Wait till you hear “Marche Slave” by Tchaikovsky. Or “Finlandia” by Sibellius.
Star Wars is fifteen neoclassical impressionist pieces in a blender.
HanSolo71 OP t1_it5b0r4 wrote
I would argue its hard to steal music, the line between inspiration and stealing is rather grey.
GZAofTheMidwest t1_it5bwa7 wrote
Jupiter is one of my favorite pieces of classical music of all time.
RangerBumble t1_it5cg5h wrote
The planets is amazing. The whole thing sounds like a modern film score. Not just Mars.
Huli_Blue_Eyes t1_it5ci7l wrote
Okay Vanilla Ice
RangerBumble t1_it5cmzc wrote
profairman t1_it5d7h0 wrote
Don’t forget King’s Row by Korngold!!
rearwindowpup t1_it5dts5 wrote
Im actually surprised by how often I hear Finlandia elsewhere. Like that whole piece is in hymnals as something completely different, exact same score, just with words, and no credit to Sibellius.
PussyMassage t1_it5gysk wrote
Rick Beato has a great video where he describes how precisely similar they really are.
Raistline1 t1_it5hjc8 wrote
Star Trek, Mario and Gladiator did some Holst lifting as well.
gray-matter1111 t1_it5hlqz wrote
Jupiter is an absolute banger for sure!!
frostape t1_it5hqaj wrote
John Williams also "heavily inspired" the 4th movement of Dvorak's New World Symphony into the theme for Jaws.
jumpovertheline t1_it5ioxk wrote
Watch the e attack on the Death Star while listening to Mars...
AZSnake t1_it5mdtu wrote
In the filmmaking process, a "temp track" is sometimes utilized during a rough edit before the score is composed, using existing music to support a scene. Sometimes this is done hoping to actually license that music, and sometimes it's just the director or producers trying to convey what they're looking for from the composer. Either way, the music that ends up being written for the movie can often be heavily influenced by and end up sounding a lot like the music used as a temp track. The Planets (in particular Mars, The Bringer of War) has been used as a temp track on countless films.
Edit: typo corrected
greatgildersleeve t1_it63s4q wrote
Even more so by King's Row.
Greene_Mr t1_it68yoi wrote
You can hear a very "Rite of Spring"-inspired cue as C-3PO is making his way up the sand dunes.
DasGanon t1_it6axvw wrote
Bonus, this is also the birth of Heavy Metal.
No, seriously. Black Sabbath based Black Sabbath on Mars Bringer of War
AnotherJasonOnReddit t1_it6eia3 wrote
Appropriate username.
willie_caine t1_it6rqrg wrote
You... you just did!
[deleted] t1_it6scao wrote
mysticgreg t1_it6v88b wrote
I hope you’ve seen the ‘Sleepytime’ episode of Bluey then!
Gin_and_T t1_it6xw37 wrote
Don’t forget the Rite of Spring! Stravinsky can claim the Tatooine soundtrack
GZAofTheMidwest t1_it6yaxf wrote
No, I'm not familiar with "Bluey." But I take it from your comment you would recommend?
erudite_luddite t1_it730xi wrote
And he was right! The Lucas(mostly) & Spielberg(less so) blockbusters without those scores may well have been panned for mediocre scripts & poor direction.
Remorseful_User t1_it7ei3k wrote
I have the same hair as him. He doesn't shower and then fakes it by wetting his hair and combing it. I know your secret Rick!
kickerconspiracy t1_it7f1h4 wrote
Came to say this
ViridianKumquat t1_it7gl55 wrote
The Imperial March sounds like a mashup of Chopin's Funeral March and Prokofiev's Montagues and Capulets.
HymnHymnIWIN- t1_it7vpfp wrote
Word, I love all of them. Whenever I listen to the Gladiator soundtrack, I can't help but think Mars, Bringer of War was the inspiration.
PussyMassage t1_it7zkn5 wrote
I do that all the time! My hair looks better if I don't shampoo too frequently, and pffff, who needs daily showers?
Remorseful_User t1_it83qqi wrote
Those little baby wipes are game changers!
DroolingIguana t1_it8k01k wrote
PhreeKC t1_it975kg wrote
TIL way more from the comments section...
minutemash t1_it9pagy wrote
Former career. Great and accurate summary.
AZSnake t1_it9uzg3 wrote
Cool, thanks!
MimosaLeBrunch t1_it9voo2 wrote
NoNeedForAName t1_ita59vh wrote
Guarantee most people have heard some of it, even if they don't know it.
Last-Impact8033 t1_itaa55v wrote
Almost sounds like every soundtrack to every western...I felt like I was on a buggy schlepping through the painted desert at sunset the whole time.
abaddon53 t1_itazzta wrote
Without baby wipes we probably would have gone insane in Irap back in 2004. That was always the number 1 item on every wish list back home.
ninjatrap t1_itb49hz wrote
mysticgreg t1_itbh5nr wrote
Dawnawaken92 t1_itdyw6j wrote
I went to this special musicians thing in 8th grade. Basically we learned a bunch of music in a day and put on a concert as best we could. Several of the song were his. My favorite if I remember correctly was Saturn.
danielcw189 t1_itg163x wrote
But do the composers usually hear the movie with temp-tracks before they start working?
Termsandconditionsch t1_ithugkp wrote
Not just that, it’s via Erich Korngolds music for the movie King’s Row from 1942 - starring Ronald Reagan.
SardonicSorcerer t1_itoau1i wrote
Used to play this cd about once every three weeks at the classical station where I worked in college.
SmoovCatto t1_ittnzas wrote
james cameron said he played the planets over and over while writing terminator. mars the bringer of war inspires a lot of scifi and eerie scores, as does spooky neptune. wagner is also a big source of quasi-plagiarism for everybody from snow white to goldfinger. if i see one more trailer featuring goto "o fortuna" from ives's carmina burina i'm calling the manager . . . then there's this semi-related thing:
SmoovCatto t1_itts5xb wrote
blatant, but i've never seen publicly discussed -- i suppose nobody cares, so long ago:
HanSolo71 OP t1_it5aj7m wrote
For those wanting a listen, here is the full piece.
Gustav Holst - The Planets