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pookshuman t1_it5ar6m wrote

yeah, he was so inspired he stole a bunch of it


Sturmundsterne t1_it5aya2 wrote

Wait till you hear “Marche Slave” by Tchaikovsky. Or “Finlandia” by Sibellius.

Star Wars is fifteen neoclassical impressionist pieces in a blender.


The-Wylds t1_it5bv1z wrote

Harry Potter is Swan Lake.


GZAofTheMidwest t1_it5bwa7 wrote

Jupiter is one of my favorite pieces of classical music of all time.


RangerBumble t1_it5cg5h wrote

The planets is amazing. The whole thing sounds like a modern film score. Not just Mars.


profairman t1_it5d7h0 wrote

Don’t forget King’s Row by Korngold!!


rearwindowpup t1_it5dts5 wrote

Im actually surprised by how often I hear Finlandia elsewhere. Like that whole piece is in hymnals as something completely different, exact same score, just with words, and no credit to Sibellius.


PussyMassage t1_it5gysk wrote

Rick Beato has a great video where he describes how precisely similar they really are.


Raistline1 t1_it5hjc8 wrote

Star Trek, Mario and Gladiator did some Holst lifting as well.


jumpovertheline t1_it5ioxk wrote

Watch the e attack on the Death Star while listening to Mars...


AZSnake t1_it5mdtu wrote

In the filmmaking process, a "temp track" is sometimes utilized during a rough edit before the score is composed, using existing music to support a scene. Sometimes this is done hoping to actually license that music, and sometimes it's just the director or producers trying to convey what they're looking for from the composer. Either way, the music that ends up being written for the movie can often be heavily influenced by and end up sounding a lot like the music used as a temp track. The Planets (in particular Mars, The Bringer of War) has been used as a temp track on countless films.

Edit: typo corrected


hirmuolio t1_it60zn4 wrote

I heard somewhere that it was originally just going to be planets. But Williams convinced lucas that he could make same but better.


derfmai t1_it78fel wrote

The opening was “Thus Spake Zarathustra - Richard Strauss”, and I always hear one of the movements from “Firebird Suite - Igor Stravinsky” during the asteroid chase scene in Empire Strikes Back.


Trama-D t1_it7f8q4 wrote

Why no Pluto? Was Holst ahead of his time?

Edit: Pluto was only discovered in 1930...


DaveOJ12 t1_it7flre wrote

Quorthon also used Jupiter in the song Hammerheart.


ViridianKumquat t1_it7gl55 wrote

The Imperial March sounds like a mashup of Chopin's Funeral March and Prokofiev's Montagues and Capulets.


Whytiger t1_it93cj0 wrote

We played a medley that included a bunch of these classic pieces with modern film scores, and they blend so well, it's obvious how much they inspired modern composers.


Dawnawaken92 t1_itdyw6j wrote

I went to this special musicians thing in 8th grade. Basically we learned a bunch of music in a day and put on a concert as best we could. Several of the song were his. My favorite if I remember correctly was Saturn.


SardonicSorcerer t1_itoau1i wrote

Used to play this cd about once every three weeks at the classical station where I worked in college.


SmoovCatto t1_ittnzas wrote

james cameron said he played the planets over and over while writing terminator. mars the bringer of war inspires a lot of scifi and eerie scores, as does spooky neptune. wagner is also a big source of quasi-plagiarism for everybody from snow white to goldfinger. if i see one more trailer featuring goto "o fortuna" from ives's carmina burina i'm calling the manager . . . then there's this semi-related thing: