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SleeperHitPrime t1_ism2lba wrote

Presumably FRESH water Ice right?!


LiveEatAndFly603 t1_ismoj2r wrote

Yea it was fresh water. What they did was harvest it from the lakes and ponds all over New England, not just Boston. I believe it all started in Wenham, Massachusetts just north of Boston. They would basically use big hand saws and cut large solid blocks, float them to shore, and haul them away. It wasn’t just shipped to Australia. It was big business and was shipped all over the world as well as used locally the following summer.


Capital-Quantity9956 t1_ism536l wrote

How is any ice NOT desalinated by nature


cptkl1 t1_ism5n9k wrote

Salt water will freeze albeit at a colder temperature.


Capital-Quantity9956 t1_ismpkj6 wrote

And be transported over lengths of time that include entire months? Haha what a dumb question
