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DraslinHDF t1_iwodl0d wrote


nav17 t1_iwq5t58 wrote

This is a gross oversimplification of the causes of WW1.


bolanrox t1_iwqvua2 wrote

the gross oversimplification would be family infighting.


WhapXI t1_iwqc020 wrote

Grossly oversimplified but on a macro level it’s basically right. Wealth and power concentrated in the hands of people whose only goal to increase their wealth and power at the expense of each other. Ideas of prestige and imperial ambition and nationalism and revanchism are the puppet show they play for the masses while the ones in charge hope to make money.


leoleosuper t1_iwq9jsa wrote

Of the possibly 1000 causes of WWI, corrupt governments is not one of them.


DraslinHDF t1_iwr62uj wrote

The treaty system is/was corrupt. What are you talking about?
