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Thursday_the_20th t1_iwwq1kz wrote

I read somewhere that it actually had the opposite effect and caused a spike in suicides, although it couldn’t be determined if it was because of the messages (if you’re lonely what is a picture of a happy family if not salt in the wound), or if it was the renewed media attention of the bridge as a place of suicide influencing people to choose the bridge who may have chosen other methods.


sporeegg t1_iwyqetn wrote

>if you’re lonely what is a picture of a happy family if not salt in the wound

Exactly. "There is so much beauty in the world." Yea, I see it. At my neighbors, at the shop and in TV. Jesus fucking christ.


[deleted] t1_iwyli6q wrote

It might be similar to Instagram where everybody goes to take pictures at places they constantly see pictures of