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cheguevara_malcolmx t1_iyeac7z wrote

Yes, the screams of the crowd were drowning out the sound equipment of the day. The Beatles couldnt even hear themselves play.


IDontKnowYouPickOne t1_iyebfwh wrote

This also allowed them to be more experimental in the studio. The songs they recorded during this period were not intended to be played live, so the arrangements and instrumentation could be far more complex. It wasn’t until “Let It Be” that they wrote songs they intended to play in front of an audience again, which explains the simpler arrangements on that record.


sonofabutch t1_iyeende wrote

Jimi Hendrix playing "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" at The Saville on Sunday, June 4, 1967... the album had been released just three days earlier!

> “Jimi was a sweetie, a very nice guy. I remember him opening at the Saville on a Sunday night, 4th June 1967. Brian Epstein used to rent it when it was usually dark on the Sunday. Jimi opened, the curtains flew back and he came walking forward, playing 'Sgt. Pepper', and it had only been released on the Thursday so that was like the ultimate compliment. It's still obviously a shining memory for me, because I admired him so much anyway, he was so accomplished. To think that that album had meant so much to him as to actually do it by the Sunday night, three days after the release. He must have been so into it, because normally it might take a day for rehearsal and then you might wonder whether you'd put it in, but he just opened with it. It's a pretty major compliment in anyone's book. I put that down as one of the great honours of my career. I mean, I'm sure he wouldn't have thought of it as an honour, I'm sure he thought it was the other way round, but to me that was like a great boost.” – Paul McCartney


thesonsofpoop t1_iyef31i wrote

The white album isn’t actually titled the White Album


bolanrox t1_iyegaln wrote

they also wear like there is no way his guitar is still in tune after all that, and it was the first song of the night. What is he going to do?

Jimi asks if clapton can come up on stage and help him tune back up


bjb406 t1_iyeh4r8 wrote

Growing up I sort of knew a family with the last name "Pepper". One of the kids was named "Sergeant".


6of1HalfDozen t1_iyew8tp wrote

And of the song on Let it Be were recorded from a live performance on the studio roof top


GonzoVeritas t1_iyew94g wrote

Fun fact - they had to stop playing clubs earlier in their career because the fanatic female audience was spontaneously urinating all over the floor when they came out to perform. It was too much for the club owners.


odiin1731 t1_iyf1n9j wrote

Because the songs from those two albums would have been very easy to play live with just a four-piece band.


hamockin t1_iyf6lwr wrote

A Dutch tribute band called the analogues plays these studio albums live. Check them out on YouTube. Unbelievable.


BluesforaRedSun t1_iyf92xb wrote

Phish played the White Album in its entirety for their 1994 Halloween costume.


GonzoVeritas t1_iyfas92 wrote

From an interview with Bob Geldof:

>“The Beatles was a case of watching females in excelsis. It's the old cliché, but you couldn't hear them for all the screaming. I remember looking down at the cinema floor and seeing these rivulets of piss in the aisles. The girls were literally pissing themselves with excitement. So what I associate most with The Beatles is the smell of girls' urine.”


>John B. Lynn, son of the owner of a venue The Beatles played, told The Washington Post that the concert hall smelled like the pee of over-excited girls after the show.


GonzoVeritas t1_iyfbmx8 wrote

Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones told a similar story. He said they wanted to keep performing in clubs, but the owners wouldn't let them because of all the piss. Mick would come out, and the piss would flow.


[deleted] t1_iyfd2e9 wrote

They were not in it for solely the money. Plus if they were touring these albums would have never been made. The amount of freedom and artistic exploring they were allowed was unheard of. Now they would be Disney'd into oblivion.


[deleted] t1_iyfdgt6 wrote

They had more time to explore being humans, the effects of psychedelics on their art, the warm comfort of being rich enough to explore at their leisure, and they also had Epstein to keep them in check.