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[deleted] t1_ixx2xgx wrote



BigPapaChuck73 t1_ixx7t9p wrote

5 star reference


bootorangutan t1_ixxd9bf wrote

What’s the reference to Leaping Lanny?


BigPapaChuck73 t1_ixxdqgs wrote

When Randy signed with WCW, he insisted they signed Lanny as well. Got checks for 6 years, never had to wrestle


Polymemnetic t1_ixxuwa6 wrote

If there's one thing Turner was good at, it was paying guys who didn't deserve it way too much money. And in the end, it almost worked. They almost killed WWF. Macho finessed the shit out of him with that deal, though.


rbhindepmo t1_ixy0hcm wrote

And the Macho Man WCW contract was subsided by Slim Jim, because Randy was in their commercials.


rbhindepmo t1_ixy0fiu wrote

At one time they bought a trademark for the name Gorgeous George with the thought of having Lanny work under that name.

Instead they gave the name to Randy Savage’s midlife crisis stripper girlfriend and the wrestler who sold the name got a WCW gig as “The Maestro”