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kmvaa14 t1_ixxne5g wrote

Bob Hoskins probably would have been a better casting.


i010011010 t1_ixyj3h8 wrote

Was just thinking the same thing. DeNiro in the movie just looks like DeNiro with some makeup, Hoskins could have looked the part.


brkh47 t1_ixzg1to wrote

My first reaction. He looks more like Al Capone.

That said, recently heard an interview with James Cameron and he said he almost didn’t cast Kate Winslet as Rose in The Titanic. The reason being she’d been making a name for herself in period pieces and was being called Corset Kate. He thought if he cast her, it would be “lazy casting“ and was going to go for someone like Gwyneth Paltrow. Had no idea there was such a thing as lazy casting.


Grinderiny t1_ixzk194 wrote

It's also called 'type casting' , where an actor is cast in a role because they've made a name for themselves in a similar role before. The Rock I feel is typecast a lot. One of the things where he wasn't was Ballers.


FatherKerosene t1_ixzti6d wrote

Is that the one where he was a drug addict muscle head with Markie Mark?


Grinderiny t1_ixzx1mp wrote

No Ballers was an HBO show where he played an ex football player with a pain killer addition who becomes a financial manager with the bald guy from Hot Tub Time Machine.


HPmoni t1_iy0rn3v wrote

He's Dwayne Johnson!!!

Black Adam is just how he sees himself.


TatteredCarcosa t1_iybs097 wrote

Also Southland Tales where all the characters were consciously cast against type. The Rock plays a cowardly, anxious actor. It's a terrible movie, but the casting and performances are interesting. Also notable is Jon Lovitz plays a scary, casually violent corrupt cop.