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EliteKnightOscar t1_ixd6wi4 wrote

I generally just assume they'll see women as property until I'm given a good amount of evidence to the contrary.


DepthExternal6034 t1_ixd73tb wrote

You hit the nail in the head

"she would still have been a virgin if Stanford White hadn’t been around."

-an actual quote of his according to Wikipedia


EliteKnightOscar t1_ixd7zjn wrote

Aaaaaand there it is. Batting 1.000 in misogynist identification.


DepthExternal6034 t1_ixd83th wrote

Oh and

“Thaw, whose persona took on a dimension she had never before seen. Manic and violent, locked her up and beat her with a whip and sexually assaulted her over a two-week period.”

Hypocrisy at it’s finest, killing someone who did the same shit you did.


EliteKnightOscar t1_ixd8d3a wrote

He didn't care about the sexual assault, he was upset he didn't get to take her virginity. Absolute rat fucking bastard.


ViolettaHunter t1_ixehppk wrote

He was actually way worse, considering the other guy drugged his victim, so she wasn't consciusly aware of what happened and he did it "only" once.


GreenJury9586 t1_ixh1hx8 wrote

Just chiming in as a reminder that there’s no “better rape” and being “drugged” doesn’t make being raped OK because you “don’t remember it”. Ignorance seems like bliss but no rape is bliss so let’s remember to not minimize victims or lead men to believe they’re “doing us a favor” by drugging us first.


ViolettaHunter t1_ixh8d4z wrote

Well, duh! Of course no rape is good.

There is still a huge difference between waking up once from something you can't even remember and being subjected to psychological and physical terror and pain fully conscious for two weeks straight. Which is what her husband did to her.

The guy swho drug women are also not doing it a s favour, they are doing it because they are cowards who don't want a fight.