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HappySkullsplitter t1_ixk7e3t wrote

Horses have top and bottom

...and one particular asshole liked to bite little kids and give them a lifelong fear of horses

Fuck you Frank


BrokenEye3 t1_ixk7qgw wrote

I swear I've seen cows with both rows of teeth.


Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixk7ybf wrote

I mean, you think that's weird.

I love tapirs.

Go look up their smiles. Believe me, it's worst when they have human teeth.

Go Google Image search "Baby Tapir"

Then Google Image search "Tapir Smiling"

And your "dental pad" can go suck it.


Addedinterest t1_ixk9f2y wrote

So... all of the cartoon cows, sheep, and giraffes smiling with teeth.. are drawn wrong.


DoofusMagnus t1_ixk9l48 wrote

Wow, okay, I'm surprised it took me this long to learn this, but I guess that finally explains the nagging feeling that something was off which I'd occasionally feel when I saw images of cow or deer skulls. Looking at images now I feel pretty dumb that it never registered with me that there are no (upper) incisors.


gmnitsua OP t1_ixkbj01 wrote

I was pretty shocked when I learned. I was watching Victorian Farm on Prime, and they inspected a ram. And dropped that little tidbit, and it kind of fucked my brain up a little bit.


Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixkcqqc wrote

It would seem, but it's still a tapir. As adults they human-like teeth.

But they are still amazing little mammals who mean no harm to no one.

They just have human teeth. Which is un-avoidably weird.


HappySkullsplitter t1_ixkfe55 wrote

My aunt got thrown by her own horse, my other aunt was riding next to her and swears there was absolutely nothing there to spook the horse and cause it to throw her

The fall broke her neck in 3 places and her arm

She had to wear a halo for months,have surgeries, and go to physical therapy for over a year after that

And these are people who grew up riding horses as a primary means of transportation

If that can happen to them, then what hope do I have?


mmrrbbee t1_ixkh886 wrote

Teeth are just fish scales that evolved to be on the inside. The bones In our arms and chest are the same as 400 million year old fish, same as the bastards that came up on land, doing push ups the whole way. Fkrs


Drone30389 t1_ixlk1ms wrote

I just went looking at "cows chewing" videos on youtube and only saw lower teeth and upper lip. It looks like their upper lip is hiding their upper teeth and our brains just filled in the blank.

Mind blown.


Dragmire800 t1_ixlx1ii wrote

They’re half way to beakdom


HateKnuckle t1_ixmso7i wrote

I raised cows and I didn't know this.