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res30stupid t1_iwo6xaf wrote

Enya has made some pretty emotional music, both as a solo artist and when she was a member of the band Clannad, to which she was backing vocals and keyboardist - first band to get into the UK Top 40 with a song in Gaelic. In fact, the other members of the band were her siblings and uncles.


kimbykimb t1_iwo8y1v wrote

TIL Enya was the name of one person and not a whole band....


res30stupid t1_iwo9pag wrote

Her full name is Enya Patricia Brennan. Also, she lives in a castle in Ireland with her cats.

Not a joke, by the way.


Darth_Corleone t1_iwocje4 wrote

I was taking a LOT of acid when she released Return to Innocence and that video fucked me up for a solid week. Every time it came on, it was like the world stopped for a few minutes.


res30stupid t1_iwodejq wrote

That... wasn't Enya. It was Enigma.

To be fair, I've seen some compilation albums which have both their songs included due to being mellow and focused on tranquility and meditation.


Darth_Corleone t1_iwodzzn wrote

Haaaa! You're right, and my memory has been false for decades. Wow...


res30stupid t1_iwoefdq wrote

I mean, I've heard some of Enya's music throughout the years but never knew the artist, then really dived into it when I learned her name from the Lord Of The Rings song she sung, "May It Be". And Enigma? I only heard of that band through Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Araki has a killer taste in music). So, no shame.

Edit: Look up Sadeness/The Principles of Lust.


Darth_Corleone t1_iwoesr4 wrote


That song was super popular and hard to avoid back in the day. It still "slaps" (as the young people say)


res30stupid t1_iwoigws wrote

You can hear it during the massage scene in Charlie's Angels, when Alex renders Tim Curry unconscious.