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ElfMage83 t1_iyclwfw wrote

Jobs was a weird one for sure. I wonder how long before the reality distortion field fails completely.


bolanrox t1_iydzwci wrote

Jobs then outsourced his work to Woz for less than half of the money he was getting.

Woz did the work because he found it fun more than anything


8urnMeTwice t1_iyf8j6k wrote

And the game they made was Breakout right? I used to love that game


SomewhatIntriguing t1_iye14ok wrote

Well that's the whole point of outsourcing, to make a profit.


[deleted] t1_iyehe1z wrote



Ahelex t1_iyexu0y wrote

Speaking of that story, Woz then also said that he would've done it for free gladly. He just hated that Jobs lied to him.


Halvus_I t1_iyemo3v wrote

I suppose when the company he built is worth less than a trillion dollars.