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DeadandGonzo t1_iy3gzxa wrote

140 lectures/year doesn’t quite make a college. I deliver 42 lectures a semester (84 a year) for one course. Also, college course material cannot be effectively delivered in a single lecture to the extent to which any level of mastery can be reasonably expected.


RedstripeRhapsodyHP t1_iy3in1b wrote

It's existed since 1597, and was founded by a man who has a law of economics named after him, I imagine it has been using the word 'college' long before wherever you teach existed. It doesn't claim to endow mastery - most college courses and lectures do not - but material delivered by the likes of John Bercow or John Guy today or Christopher Wren in the past is doubtlessly of use to anyone interested in a given topic.


cgknight1 t1_iy3qwii wrote

But it doesn't have courses so the amount you deliver on your courses is neither here or there. It also doesn't claim to support any specific learning path towards "mastery" - simply that it provides lectures at (UK) level 4 and above.


GonzoVeritas t1_iy3r3dw wrote

They don't expect mastery of subjects, and they don't issue degrees. It's the OG TED Talk.


[deleted] t1_iy3i526 wrote

But if my fake diploma says it's from Gresham College, London... that sounds pretty fancy.


one_is_enough t1_iy4jmt5 wrote

For someone who delivers lectures, your reading comprehension seems a little patchy.

Or maybe you are just knee-jerk defensive about an organization dispensing knowledge for free since that’s your livelihood?